Contract, and Job Related Issues  - This section is dedicated to general contract, and job related issues. It's not specific to any company, however you may get/give advice from/to people who work through certain agencies. Please understand that general and overly negative rants are not permitted, and may result in a ban. 

Volunteer teaching

Started by Somebody

Finding New Housing Stress

Started by Embarr

School offering health insurance through a private company?

Started by aross05

2nd Job and F Visa

Started by jurassic82

Harassement from Recruiter! HELP!

Started by Aliorange

Returning to EPIK

Started by Aliorange

Breaking contract before start

Started by dazzledazzle

MOVED: North London Collegiate School Jeju

Started by Yaya

What is an open house like, typically?

Started by iksoo09

How soon are schools required to tell us they want to re-sign?

Started by aalexandromoreno

School asking me to change my flights- Rant

Started by kimchiyum

Related Contract Situation Help!

Started by Jeter2

F Visa Holders- Apostille/Criminal Check to MOE for 4 hours a week in Academy?

Started by saram_

Time to leave?

Started by TexasChicken

Afterschool Teaching Question...

Started by lisay06

2 Jobs on an E2 Visa

Started by funkseoulbrother

Personal Injury due to poorly maintained school...Advice...

Started by lewis88

Recruiter Recommendations

Started by take_it

Mrs. Lee is back

Started by tamjen

Help with visa

Started by AlkanZorba

Gunpo City English Camp...I have to pay for?

Started by hiyase269

School for the "gifted"?

Started by SuperNative

E-2 Transfer Requirements and Documents - Please Help!!!

Started by NMonk

Too late to move MOE within EPIK (March 2016 intake)?

Started by Clarebot

Applying to SMOE for 2016

Started by Jmessler

Coaching Students during Test?

Started by Piggydee

I'm thinking about transferring, can I turn down the transfer school?

Started by michaelodwyer23

Housing Problems - Smoke/Sewage Smell (EPIK/SMOE)

Started by lieueez

Compare professional development(teacher training)for foreigners at universities

Started by dude1976

Getting documents back from recruiter?

Started by Drumpunk892

MOVED: Teaching without a coteacher

Started by taeyang

Getting re-hired with EPIK after a break?

Started by Whatsername888

Forced to go to teacher's overnight trip

Started by Maureen

Flakey Recruiters

Started by SuperDoodle23

Do you teachers find this annoying?

Started by Piggydee

Co-teacher problems

Started by Tee

Should I Burn My CT On Her Way Out The Door?

Started by Loki88

Can my main school make me

Started by castowers

Is 20,000W/hr OK for part-time editing?

Started by JeTee

I saw a teacher assault a young student yesterday morning

Started by Baby Aubergine


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