Contract, and Job Related Issues  - This section is dedicated to general contract, and job related issues. It's not specific to any company, however you may get/give advice from/to people who work through certain agencies. Please understand that general and overly negative rants are not permitted, and may result in a ban. 

new 2016/17 SMOE contract bonus this time

Started by pigeonfart

Can I use vacation time to leave my contract early?

Started by lee233

NET at 2 schools, 3 weeks of winter camp?!

Started by saay_jongg

Where is it best to get a TEFL?

Started by LeapOver

Ireland Background Check

Started by jaysee

Question about flight home when contract ends

Started by SuperDoodle23

F5 Visa: tax on part time jobs

Started by houzz

Plane Ticket Proof for Pension Refund

Started by cg

When looking for references from public school

Started by tunacookie

Salary Negotiations

Started by Jeter2

Looking for advice

Started by jaysee

Never mind NETS, its the Korean teacher standards that need to change.

Started by pigeonfart

Do tutoring agencies test you for honesty?

Started by jsis

Korean Police Criminal Record Check

Started by confusedsafferinkorea

DMOE Desperation?

Started by WestMeetsEast

2-year limit on part-time employment?

Started by AngryTypingGuy

Can you change locations on EPIK application after your interview

Started by stardust0789

Diseases that will lead to deportation after medical exam

Started by Jeter2

EPIK: Many Positions This Intake?

Started by pizzaman

Getting time off for a funeral

Started by robin_teacher

Severance being withheld?

Started by artsl

Irish with German parent - any chance to get pension?

Started by Clarebot

If any fellow Americans can add insight...

Started by kitcat

Hagwon asking for detailed medical note...

Started by seoulopathy

Non-native teacher - is there any hope?

Started by kpoe

why is non face to face teaching so badly paid?

Started by eggieguffer

Interview tips?

Started by activate

If I have a criminal record

Started by mrsmoonshoes

MOVED: Continuing The EFL Teaching Career: Korea or Elsewhere?

Started by Yaya

MOVED: Gyeonggi Province NETs to Be Reduced?

Started by Yaya

E2 to E7 Visa

Started by atemporaryaccount

Obtaining copies of OLD contracts from immigration

Started by natmossy

MOVED: Chungnam to axe all foreign teachers?

Started by Yaya

I believe my school is try to pay my severance early.

Started by Tyedude

Teaching job without a degree?

Started by CherryBlossom

Health Check: Eye Exam

Started by monica145

Should I use a recruiter or just apply through EPIK?

Started by stardust0789

Questions about schools, areas, and work hours?

Started by Drumpunk892

I hate this kind of attitude among foreign teachers/NETs

Started by valium kilmer

University Transcripts Needed for Hagwon Job?

Started by Jeter2


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