Contract, and Job Related Issues  - This section is dedicated to general contract, and job related issues. It's not specific to any company, however you may get/give advice from/to people who work through certain agencies. Please understand that general and overly negative rants are not permitted, and may result in a ban. 

Is it too early for August?

Started by sojuadventurer

Apply Direct to GEPIK?

Started by Ley_Druid

JLP Requirements for TEFL/TESOL

Started by natashagwitt

Breaking scanned contract

Started by zeta29

What do you prefer English classroom office or with other teachers?

Started by weirdgirlinkorea

Money Back

Started by jmeyer8480

What kind of MA degrees are Universities looking for?

Started by AnthonyTeacher

GOE w/Korvia

Started by troyniss

Do you have Election Day 2014 (June 4th) off?

Started by MayorHaggar

Fukoka Japan now requires 3 day wait for visa processing

Started by RandomTask

Participating in CT's Open Class

Started by expatinkorea

Proof of employment from a job that is city do you get?

Started by weirdgirlinkorea

SMOE sending out recontracting confirmation delayed.

Started by confusedsafferinkorea

Politics in the class room illegal?

Started by midwestern

Teaching at a hagwon where a CBC is not required immediately?

Started by TIC

In class TEFL courses offered in korea?

Started by podes88

MOVED: Best places to go back to?

Started by taeyang

How much money am I losing by not completing my contract?

Started by austinslghtr

MOVED: Online post grad - IT - Europe

Started by taeyang

Application video - what to say/do?

Started by Emmama

NEAT/ EPIK workshop on the weekend?!? Required? or volunteer?

Started by desert_sugi

Hagwon getting shut down? Any tips

Started by Sweetrevenge355

Not meeting the 22 hour requirement

Started by nadinea

University requirements (experience)

Started by Bulldogs12

Traveling but returning before ARC expires

Started by barbbui

Employeers Back Home Contacting Korea?

Started by Hoosier_Jedi

contracts and holidays

Started by pilferstarfish

Am I royally boned?

Started by pindleton

Being Transfered

Started by Foreverparadise

Legal Privates and toxic Hagwons

Started by Pythoneer

Co Teacher wants to skip classes

Started by iamrhart

Do South Africans get Pension.

Started by scholes


Started by Wintermute

Fired for sick days.

Started by vitaminNT

Only one sixth grader left...

Started by sweetkat

Does the Korean Embassy Stamp on Degrees Expire?

Started by Jumpman Jr.

Jeollanamdo Language Program - What are Your Thoughts?

Started by natashagwitt

Jeollanamdo or Gyeongsangnam

Started by SherlyHolmes

Debating reporting school

Started by Cask85

Got accused of sleeping with a Korean Dude's wife

Started by jejuted


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