Contract, and Job Related Issues  - This section is dedicated to general contract, and job related issues. It's not specific to any company, however you may get/give advice from/to people who work through certain agencies. Please understand that general and overly negative rants are not permitted, and may result in a ban. we have a choice?

Started by JohnnyBoy

Should I keep my ARC card? Will I need a new FBI background check?

Started by rosetintedwanderlust

1+ month employment gap, do I need a new FBI Check?

Started by TriKorea

foul-mouthed kids!

Started by grajoker

Need tips

Started by penguininkorea

No meeting with coteachers before starting

Started by TinyPanda

Visa voided because of no ARC?

Started by suisse

Incorrect Exam Questions

Started by Rusty Shackleford

SMOE Elem vs. Middle

Started by wheninrome

Applying for a job second time round

Started by Zeno

Improving English Education by EFL Teachers: Who's Responsible?

Started by gayageum

Pension Office Hours

Started by nwr513

Elementary korean teacher; over critical and egotistical towards me? -Normal?

Started by Waygookingumisi

Question for experienced Public School teachers regarding a money issue...

Started by Ben-Ja-Meen

co-teacher disputing holiday leave

Started by pjhow2000

Changes in Pension

Started by Lever

Help With Speech To Students

Started by brtfgg

Co teacher asking for original apostilled that normal?

Started by Vayacongaia

Unpleasant lunch situation

Started by 0mnslnd

They only reimburse 75% of airfare....wait...what?

Started by patch83

Extending visa or not?

Started by Carz

Winter camps/short term contracts

Started by Intrepid

Contract review from a private international school

Started by 3twentseven

Canadian Pension Limit

Started by Koreak

leaving early, what about pension?

Started by carolsychoi

How To Ask For More Work/Involvement

Started by danielteacher

Whats the best way to quit my Hagwon before 6 months?

Started by whattodo

Being let go. Some questions.

Started by josephaaroncampbell

severance pay

Started by joseph921

EPIK contract payment issue

Started by kennetic

What was life like when you didn't renew with EPIK, GEPIK, SMOE, and found a job

Started by Brown in Busan

Can anyone point me towards the Dongbu district (Seoul) office of education?

Started by erik thurman


Started by sha

Take the school bus with the kindergarten kids

Started by tabitha53

Recruiter or Apply Directly?

Started by A_Z

Apartment Question

Started by O.M.C.M.B.

Entrance Allowance

Started by ingrid28

visiting north korea

Started by p.dandgey

co-teacher officially driving me nuts - what should I do?

Started by alcibiades

High School Post-Exam Movie Trouble

Started by ToasterOven


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