Since there doesn't seem to be anything here, these are the PPTs and Activities I have for this unit
I only teach lesson 1 and 3, so these are the materials I have for them.
Lesson 1
Intro PPT to introduce the phrases and vocab.
Book work to reinforce the basic terms.
Game - Anti-Matching.
Using the 6 from p.221, the students will play the Anti-matching game. The objective of the game is to pick a unique card. All 4-6 players will pick one card, and on the count of 5, hold up their card and say I am going to _____ (activity). If their card matches another card, they are out get no point. If their card is unique and no other player has it, they get the same points as the number of Out players. Attached is a PPT used to explain the points of the game.
Lesson 3
Quick review of the target phrases and words
Book Work activities to show examples in use.
Mario Bomb Game to finish the unit.