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Author Topic: Jeong Sa Yeol Middle School Grade 3 Lesson 4 Open Your Heart  (Read 4278 times)

Offline mirokii

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Jeong Sa Yeol Middle School Grade 3 Lesson 4 Open Your Heart
« on: January 27, 2015, 03:06:46 PM »
This is a thread for any lesson material for Jeong Sa Yeol's Middle School English Grade 3 Lesson 4 Open Your Heart.   Please share your contributions here. Be sure to explain exactly what you are posting and please do not post multi-level materials in this thread. Also, any review lessons or materials should be posted in the review section for this grade. Best of luck in your lesson planning!

Offline mirokii

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Re: Jeong Sa Yeol Middle School Grade 3 Lesson 4 Open Your Heart
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2015, 08:06:12 AM »
Speaking rock paper scissors competition game.
 I will have to change the game design a little because speaking fast to win doesn't exactly promote the best pronunciation nor a good practice for conversational English, but my students love it nonetheless.
Game instructions. print number of game boards for half of your students. e.g. 30 students = 15 boards. Two students per board. Students start at opposite ends of the board. When I say go, i set a timer for a minute and they speak through the game spaces until they meet somewhere in the middle. At that time, they play rock paper scissors. The winner starts where the battle happened and the loser goes back to the starting point. Once a player reaches the other players 'start' they win. If rock paper scissors goes back and forth, the person closest to the other players start, wins. Pair up the winning matches until you come down a final match between students. I made them perform at the front and everyone was really into it.

made a couple of the same activities for lessons 1-5 during winter break since i didn't know when i would exactly want to use them. going to fit them into the semester whenever i see fit. hope you can use one for at least one of the first 5 lessons

Offline mirokii

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Re: Jeong Sa Yeol Middle School Grade 3 Lesson 4 Open Your Heart
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2015, 08:07:05 AM »
Clap game using key expression for this lesson. Learned at EPIK orientation. quick instructions. Have students get in a circle. student 1 says the first word of the sentence and the next student says the next word of the sentence. When you get to the end of the sentence, the next student starts at the beginning again. As you move slides, symbols are added. Symbols correspond with actions e.g. circle is jump. When a word has a symbol on a word, you have to simultaneously say the word and do the action. Double and triple actions are eventually added. If a student fails or makes a mistakes, tell them to sit down. Choose the last few i.e. 5 of 26 for me, as the winners. Can take a long time if your not concise with your instructions, or if you have too many kids. works better for 15-20 students i'd say.

Offline mirokii

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Re: Jeong Sa Yeol Middle School Grade 3 Lesson 4 Open Your Heart
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2015, 08:11:47 AM »
if you know how to play connect for your good to go. you can print out the boards, but i find that they mess around and dont speak english if you do that. i have big classes tho. what i do is make 2 teams or 4 teams and make them play as a team, all speaking before you make the moves.

side note. this is for the (speak B) "LET ME HELP YOU ______________" KEY EXPRESSION. it doesn't work/apply for the first key expression (speak A)

will upload more for this lesson after mid terms

Offline Schellib39

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Re: Jeong Sa Yeol Middle School Grade 3 Lesson 4 Open Your Heart
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2015, 07:53:42 PM »
Here is an intro lesson I made that goes over the key phrases for the lesson. After I have them write the sentence structures in their notebooks, I have a few pictures that they will then make use with the phrases they learned in groups of two. If they are easily distracted and  not doing this, I will have them write a sentence/mini dialogue for each picture in their notebooks (my students are a pretty high level for the most part, so doing this shouldn't be a problem without much guidance from me). Next, I will have the students make a poster on b4 sized paper presenting something from their country to the rest of the world. I will have them draw pictures and write an explanation of whatever topic they choose. After, they will present to the class.

****EDIT I will be removing all of my materials as wants to now charge you for something they did not create. If you would like a COPY FOR FREE, please inbox me and I would be more than happy to send you the materials. I would recommend all other users with  uploaded materials to do the same.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2017, 12:51:14 PM by Schellib39 »

Offline Schellib39

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Re: Jeong Sa Yeol Middle School Grade 3 Lesson 4 Open Your Heart
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2015, 09:54:27 AM »
Here is another .ppt that a teacher at my school also gave me. It's a game of pictionary that presents the key vocabulary of lesson 4 using a bunch of different .gif files. Some of them are pretty funny. And of course, all the credit goes to the original creator.

****EDIT I will be removing all of my materials as wants to now charge you for something they did not create. If you would like a COPY FOR FREE, please inbox me and I would be more than happy to send you the materials. I would recommend all other users with  uploaded materials to do the same.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2017, 01:47:17 PM by Schellib39 »

Offline backtobobby

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Re: Jeong Sa Yeol Middle School Grade 3 Lesson 4 Open Your Heart
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2015, 01:39:55 PM »
Here are some sentence puzzle pieces. Just cut them out and the kids can arrange them to make sentences using the key phrases.

Offline mirokii

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Re: Jeong Sa Yeol Middle School Grade 3 Lesson 4 Open Your Heart
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2015, 01:56:24 PM »
Week 1
Speak A
Pass the ball

Week 2
Speak B
Connect Four (posted above)

Week 3
Mission as Review
Then writing thank you letters (I appreciate your help)

Offline chocos0

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Re: Jeong Sa Yeol Middle School Grade 3 Lesson 4 Open Your Heart
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2015, 09:48:08 AM »
I think this ppt will help students to practice "seem to". Have fun with it!!!

Offline niamh92smith

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Re: Jeong Sa Yeol Middle School Grade 3 Lesson 4 Open Your Heart
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2016, 09:50:44 PM »
I only cover Speak A and B.

Speak A:

Thanks to other waygooks for some slides.

Warmers - guess the word
Presentation - Key vocab / go through examples
Differentiate when you can use some - uncountable nouns.
(Look at difference between Any and Some with my more advanced classes)
Practice - Do uncountable/countable nouns worksheet and have students say the dialogue using those foods. (found the worksheet online, it's not my own work)
Production - Pass the ball (thanks to OP)

Edit: Also used the song "I'm glad you came" by the Wanted explaining that it can be used interchangeably with I'm glad you could come.

Next week I'll do Speak B:

Connect 4 (thanks OP)
It'll be just after Parents Day (May 8th) so going to have students make appreciation cards for their parents. (key language "I appreciate....")
« Last Edit: May 25, 2016, 10:35:19 PM by niamh92smith »

Offline SuzeeG85

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Re: Jeong Sa Yeol Middle School Grade 3 Lesson 4 Open Your Heart
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2016, 11:36:59 AM »
Mirokii, this might be a dumb question but for the connect 4 game, what questions do the kids have to answer in order to place their coloured marker? I can see the pictures at the top of the board but I don't understand how they relate. Aslo, as there is only one picture above each row, what happens when students start to pile up coloured markers? I know how to play actual connect 4 but I've never played it as a game for teaching. Is this for the "would you like" section or the "I appreciate" section of this chapter?

Sorry for the stupid questions.

Offline Schellib39

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Re: Jeong Sa Yeol Middle School Grade 3 Lesson 4 Open Your Heart
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2016, 03:26:19 PM »
Found this online and think it can be good for the students practicing the determiners A/An/Some that is brought up in this lesson.

****EDIT I will be removing all of my materials as wants to now charge you for something they did not create. If you would like a COPY FOR FREE, please inbox me and I would be more than happy to send you the materials. I would recommend all other users with  uploaded materials to do the same.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2017, 01:49:30 PM by Schellib39 »

Offline MissSA

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Re: Jeong Sa Yeol Middle School Grade 3 Lesson 4 Open Your Heart
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2016, 01:04:32 PM »

Week 1:
I have taken the ppt from Schellib39 and edited so that it flows nice and slowly for my lower level kids. I also added a short "reveal the picture" guessing game where they guess the action as you reveal a block. I ended with a 10-15min game of pictionary, where they have to draw the word on the slip of paper and their teams have to guess with "Would you like a/an/some/ ____". This is just as an intro for the chapter key phrases and grammar points to take note of.

Week 2:
More picture prompts to elicit responses. Use this time to go over "seems to be" vs "seem to be", "some cake" vs "a piece of cake", the term "fan merch" as short for merchandise, "a haircut" vs "this haircut" etc. Then I played the Hot Potato/Pass the Ball game that Mirokii posted above.

Week 3:
We always finish the chapter by doing the Listen and Real Life Scene sections of the textbook. It takes about 20/25 min. With the rest of the class, I opened with Broken Telephone as a warmer. The kids play in their columns. I have the back row come to me and read a sentence from the textbook. When I say Start! they race to pass the sentence down their column to the front, where the front row has to stand up and write the sentence on the board. Make sure there's enough chalk for each team, an a designated writing space, or it gets violent.
Then I stole user Traveler's ppt slides for the song at the end of the chapter, and created a short word-gap worksheet to go with it. We listened to the song, filled in the worksheet with the ppt's help, and then listened to the song again, reading along.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2017, 09:01:53 AM by MissSA »

Offline traveler

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Re: Jeong Sa Yeol Middle School Grade 3 Lesson 4 Open Your Heart
« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2016, 09:27:17 AM »
Hi guys.  I made a worksheet for this chapter.  I'll summarize it below.

This is on the powerpoint slide:
Worksheet time!!!
(a) Hi ______________.(your name) How are you?
(b) Hi ______________.(you partner’s name) I’m ______. (feeling)
(a) Do you need some assistance?
(b) Yes, please. 
(a) Let me help you ____________________________. (choose something from outside the book, something NEW)
(b) I appreciate your _________. 
(a) ______________________. (Choose a phrase: No problem/Oh you’re very welcome/It’s my pleasure/No big deal)

This is on the worksheet:
(a) Hi ______________. How are you?
(b) Hi ______________. I’m _____________.
(a) Do you need some assistance?
(b) Yes, please. 
(a) Let me help you ____________________________. 
(b) I appreciate your _________. 
(a) ______________________.

Put the students in pairs and get them to perform their dialogues by offering candy.

Offline traveler

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Re: Jeong Sa Yeol Middle School Grade 3 Lesson 4 Open Your Heart
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2016, 08:40:02 AM »
Thanks for giving me enough powerpoint material for week 1 guys!  I needed more material for week 2 so I made a powerpoint and a worksheet.  I'm using this lesson next week.  If you guys have any ideas on how to improve my powerpoint let me know or post changes.

Offline SimonV

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Re: Jeong Sa Yeol Middle School Grade 3 Lesson 4 Open Your Heart
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2016, 02:37:09 PM »
Due to exam timing this chapter dragged on and on into 4 lessons for some classes

Part A – Warmup with flag guessing, do some listening and the unscramble  worksheet. Cover the ‘Would you like a / some ______?’ part, and end with the food Pictionary game

Part B – More flag guessing and review, then onto the ‘Glad you could come / Thanks for inviting me part.’ For focus in, I used the zoomed in pictures (found  elsewhere on waygook) to elicit the ‘It seems to be…’ structure. For my level A’s, if there was time, I had them create a dialog, based on a sample dialog in the PPT.  Finished off with the always-successful Trashball game

Part C – for warmup we did more zoomed in pictures (depending on which ones we didn’t do in the previous class), finished off the listening, then did a pub-style quiz. Categories are countries, languages, and picture guesses. You’ll have to reupload the audio files

Part D - for the classes that had time for an extra lesson, we finished off any listening, did the pronunciation game (write down the correct words beforehand for students to read to the class), and played Mysterybox for review

Offline SimonV

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Re: Jeong Sa Yeol Middle School Grade 3 Lesson 4 Open Your Heart
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2016, 07:31:42 AM »
Audio files for the language guessing part of the quiz in Part C from my previous post  (y)

Offline sara_hol

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Re: Jeong Sa Yeol Middle School Grade 3 Lesson 4 Open Your Heart
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2017, 08:28:40 AM »
Over two weeks, I cover the listen and speak pages in the textbook. The first week, I do listening exercises along with a short activity. The second week, I do the Speak section and the Real-Life Scene and I usually have time for a longer activity. Both weeks are included in one PPT. I have attached the PPT and the worksheets I used. Thank you to the previous posters for their material.

Similar to the last lesson, students listen to the song and each group is assigned one word. Their group has to count how many times they hear that word.
In the second lesson, students have to design their own restaurant and menu.