Here're my lessons for this chapter. I have my students in small groups, so we play a lot of team games with the whiteboard. Lesson A covers L&S 1, Lesson B is L&S 2. Lesson A's game is a running dictation about first aid. There are some links to youtube videos with "How to Basic" because I thought they were funny and they'd keep my kids' attention (they did).
Lesson B is a warning sign sentence activity. I have a few warning signs I pulled from a website and they must make a "Make sure..." sentence to go with the sign. I print and cut out the signs, then had them write the sentence on their whiteboards. Some of the signs are funny, so I encouraged them to come up with creative answers. "Make sure you don't high five" and "Make sure you don't step in the dog poo" are two examples of sentences I got.
The first slide for each is our Word Wall warm-up that we do at the start of each class, so feel free to remove it :)