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Author Topic: Unit 2 New Cultures, New Friends -Judy Yin (천재교육 2013 Edition)Middle School 3rd  (Read 8022 times)

Offline Kingeudey

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Here's an intro for Gr 3 L2 Listen and Speak, Part I and just a bit of Part II.  I will likely finish the rest tomorrow and throw together a game.  I incorporated parts of the CD (screenshots) for the Pt I, and it's truly a cursory look as I am more than likely still expected to go through the CD version even though they drive me to drink.

Hope you can use it, and for the love of Jeremiah, is anyone else using this book?

I have added and re-arranged a couple things on the initial post.  The one person who downloaded it may want to exchange.

I am also including a simple vocab hidden pic game that has words or phrases from the my intro PPt and the book's Chapter 2 up through Listen and Speak 1 and 2.

I am including a word doc for those that use the hidden pic game that has the words just in case you're pressed for time and don't want to go through the ppt to glean the info that way.

Hope you can use it all.
Blessed are the template makers.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 01:23:32 PM by Kingeudey »

Offline lalateacha

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Here is  pokemon telepathy game. I found the template on another thread. You could use is as a simple review of listen and speak 1&2. Give the students some paper to write down their prediction. I have not used it in class yet, so I hope it keeps the students interested.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2015, 03:03:25 PM by lalateacha »

Offline Kingeudey

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Here's a chunk of what I will do for Gr3 L2, dealing with expressions of curiosity.
Should be self explanatory, but being that it's out of my head, you'll want to go through it and formulate a plan.  I made it over break about a month ago, so I will have to do the same.

Offline xenal

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Here's a flick the coin game for Listen & Speak 1. They read a square first and if they land on it, they get points.

 Also, Lemon Tree is good for Listen and Speak 2

Offline hockeyguard

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Unit 2 New Cultures, New Friends 3rd year
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2015, 08:02:25 AM »
Instead of the Communication task, I am making 5 mystery bags and having each table guess what they think is inside using "I think it is.." and telling me why based on how it feels. (We'll talk about some adjectives prior to the activity making sure the students have a good grasp of some descriptive words first)
I want them to realize 'I think' is a guess and isn't a fact as some of them misunderstood that.

Offline clockkitty

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This is my listen and speak 1 for grade 3 unit 2. I took other peoples and tweaked it. I added more screen shots from the book and also sounds. I don't like to go between a PPT and the Ebook CD.  Keep the MP3 files in the same folder as the PPT and they will play fine. Click the Sound icon to play. I do have them do most of the things from the book this time. The Part D works well with the students. You just need to stay on top of them for choosing classmates.

I go into detail about that when speaking with friends we say Why?, Really?, or repeat as a question. There is even a YouTube video embedded into the PPT. I only play the part starting at 1:28. This is the scene in Lilo and Stitch where the older sister and the shelter lady talk about Stitch being dead. It is really only like 30-45 seconds. I normally play twice and ask the students what was the question that the sister repeated. (no subtitles on the YouTube, but worked fine without them.)

I also included the workbook dialogue for LS1 part B. You can delete this slide or hide it if you don't do the workbook. New co-teacher whats to make sure they understand the material. The superstitions at the end are amazing (other persons work). Works great to start a conversation.

Thanks to the others for their hard work to allow me to tweak it and make it work for my students.

Offline amusingseda

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For the Communication Task section, I decided to skip the textbook and just do my own thing.

I handed out a worksheet for the students to complete as I went through a presentation on Ireland. The students really enjoyed the comparisons between Ireland and Korea. I borrowed some of the comparison slides from a fellow waygook user, so thank you wherever you are!

I also played a Riverdance video and Hozier's Take Me To Church (they all recognized the song from that Hera commercial). Both the students and co-teachers were impressed with the dance video. Links are in the PowerPoint.

After that, I went through a brief review of the key expressions and did a quick drill to practice the statements before finishing off with a Why/Because Activity.

Explanations for the Why/Because Activity are found in the PowerPoint. Students had fun with the strange combinations of sentences.

Offline Kingeudey

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Since my main school's teacher is pound out extra weeks on Ch2, so am I.  Here's more corruption from me.  It's a great template, working Gr2 L2 Listen and Speak 1 and 2.  Enjoy.

Blessed are the template makers, as always.

****If you download this, you might want the lullaby as well.  Keep it in the same folder as your ppt and it will play music and appropriate elephant sounds while you play.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2015, 08:03:22 AM by Kingeudey »

Offline themoge

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I'm a little late in posting this, it completely slipped my mind. But hopefully it can be useful to people teaching this chapter next year (if this book is still around).

So I made a Hidden Picture Game using the dialogue style from the "Listen and Speak 2" section. Teams go one at a time. They call out a letter to uncover, then they get 10 seconds to give an answer. If they are wrong or are too slow, the next team goes, and repeat the process until the correct answer is given. I like this picture reveal template the best of all the ones I've come across, I highly recommend it!

Offline themoge

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Here's a review PPT and Spongebob Bomb Review Game that I made to review chapters 1 and 2 of the book. There's a lot of Korean translations in the review PPT (that was all double checked by my coteacher), so hopefully that is helpful for your classes! Also, you'll probably want to change the name that's on the last slide to your own :-).

I'm posting this here since there isn't yet a "Combined Lessons / Reviews" link for Grade 3.

Offline nabi

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I was inspired by another user's mystery bag activity.

I organized small bags of candy (1 piece per student - I cut larger candies and wrapped them) and had students make predictions about them based on smell, appearance, and touch.  Student complete and read the dialogue as a group with various individuals sharing their predictions with the class.  Students then ate the candy and responded.  Activity was repeated using chocolate.

Offline bsug

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Themoge, I liked you picture game! Students enjoyed it and it got them using the phrase. I made a list of the answers for reference, if anyone wants it, here it is:

Below are my slides for part of this unit. To practice "I think", I have:

A) A game in which students guess what an object is from an extreme close-up photo (saying "I think it's a...")

B) A game in which students make predictions about what will happen next in a photo (saying "I think ___ will ___"). The way I did it was to have them write their answers on whiteboards, have them read them out afterwards, and award points only for unique answers (to encourage creativity and discourage copying).

Hope this helps someone!

Offline elacosse

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This is for the first part of lesson 2 page 31.

Introduces the dialogue and gives a few examples, then an activity slightly modified from part D.

Ends with a clip from the Ellen Show about guessing if a person will fail or succeed in a video.

Offline cmteacher

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GRADE 3, UNIT 2.1 (Listen & Speak)

Not sure how many people are still using this book, but I thought I'd post my lesson as it's rather different from the ones on here. This is for Listen & Speak 1.

Warm-up: Riddle
Review: Unit 1
Learn: New expressions. I gave them rules for deciding when to use "Why do you say that?" vs "Why is that?", as they were a little confused. Even though there are exceptions, I think it's easier for them to have a rule. They liked the "I have a date" and "I crashed his car" examples.
Activity: Memory. I skipped parts C and D in the book (I usually do) and had them play memory. If they get a match, then they read the conversation with their partner. Even my boys got really into this game, and the low levels students can play too because of the pictures. Got everyone talking!
Game: Hidden Picture. I finished the last ~8 minutes of class with the hidden picture game that "themoge" uploaded (says teams of four but I actually did 4 teams of 8ish). I re-formatted it slightly to fit this section and included directions. Never done this game before but they got really into it, even my usual sleepers.

Hope this helps someone!

Offline stopngo43

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Thanks so much cmteacher! I also didn't think anyone still used this book. I suck at making ppts. This one looks amazing. Can't wait to try it out.

Offline hockeyguard

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GRADE 3, UNIT 2.1 (Listen & Speak)

Not sure how many people are still using this book, but I thought I'd post my lesson as it's rather different from the ones on here. This is for Listen & Speak 1.

Warm-up: Riddle
Review: Unit 1
Learn: New expressions. I gave them rules for deciding when to use "Why do you say that?" vs "Why is that?", as they were a little confused. Even though there are exceptions, I think it's easier for them to have a rule. They liked the "I have a date" and "I crashed his car" examples.
Activity: Memory. I skipped parts C and D in the book (I usually do) and had them play memory. If they get a match, then they read the conversation with their partner. Even my boys got really into this game, and the low levels students can play too because of the pictures. Got everyone talking!
Game: Hidden Picture. I finished the last ~8 minutes of class with the hidden picture game that "themoge" uploaded (says teams of four but I actually did 4 teams of 8ish). I re-formatted it slightly to fit this section and included directions. Never done this game before but they got really into it, even my usual sleepers.

Hope this helps someone!

This is a great lesson :) I would be cautious of teaching the difference between What makes you say that? and why is that? because it is used interchangeably in the book. It created confusion in the classroom today so I'm going to omit that but they loved the warm-up riddle!

Offline crishie2c

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Another one here who is still using this book.  As my workload has increased a ton this year you have been a real lifesaver for me uploading your fantastic materials.  Thank you so much!

Offline cmteacher

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GRADE 3, UNIT 2.2 (Listen & Speak)

This is for Listen & Speak 2.

Warm-up: Difference between "nice to meet you" and "nice to see you".
Review: Last week
Learn: New expressions. Watch "Lemon Tree". Practice new expressions.
Textbook: gotta love it
Game: Jeopardy. It's pretty much only Unit 2, though includes some things from Unit 1 and some random trivia for the "Random Play" section.

Battleship: I tried this with my first class and it just bombed. The kids don't really understand, and neither do my coteachers. I thought my instructions were pretty clear, but it just didn't work. I don't think it's worth the 15 minutes that it would probably take to really explain it. I've attached the powerpoint and worksheet in case you're interested.

Hope this helps someone!

Online cjcar

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This is my first time posting.
I took the game under Communication Task and made it into a ppt for Listen and Speak 2.
Students use "I wonder if..." to guess the country.
Just click on the boxes to reveal the answers.  As for the flags, I usually only show parts of the flag if my students are struggling to guess the country, then at the end I reveal the whole thing. But you can reveal the flag as you like.

Offline GregoryTeacher

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Cobbled together other PPTs and added my own stuff to make an updated, easy-to-use presentation. This deals with the presentation, bookwork, and a cool down. For a warm-up/game/time-fill, I'm using a slightly modified version of the Hidden Pictures game posted above.

google drive link: