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Author Topic: Lesson 9 Nature's Way of Life  (Read 3600 times)

Offline nzer-in-gyeongnam

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Lesson 9 Nature's Way of Life
« on: August 20, 2015, 10:42:09 AM »
This is a thread for any lesson material for Judy Yin (전재교육 2015 edition) Middle School English 3 Lesson 9: Nature's Way of Life. Please share your contributions here. Be sure to explain exactly what you are posting and please do not post multi-level materials in this thread. Also, any review lessons or materials should be posted in the review section for this grade.  Best of luck in your lesson planning!
"It's better to have tried and failed, than never to have tried at all!"
Teach this to your students... they'll thank you for it later!

Offline amreeves

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Re: Lesson 9 Nature's Way of Life
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2015, 09:16:32 AM »
Since nobody has posted yet, I'll go ahead and post. Hopefully it'll inspire somebody else to post.

Listen & Speak 1- "You're supposed to/ You're NOT supposed to..."

Warm-Up: Small Words aka Anagrams on mini whiteboards

Practice: Model dialog with co-teacher and then sya and repeat with students. I usually start on the whiteboards and tell students they can get more points if the come up with a unique answer (one no other group wrote) and then offer points for any group that reads their answers. Then I just do individual raising of hands. Then textbook

Production: DARTS! This game is a go to in my class. I found a little velcro dart board at Diaso for 3000W and have since upgraded to a magnetic one I found. Well worth the investment. If you don't have one you can draw one on your board and throw a sticky ball or magnets. I think there's a DART ppt for smartboards floating around. OR there's always the tried and true "trashcan basketball" Get a trashcan, get a ball or crumpled piece of paper, and let them shoot for points. Every group has to answer and every student does as well. Exciting and everybody speaks! I level my options so low levels can have at least one chance, and higher levels can have more chances if they make a really creative answer.


Offline amreeves

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Re: Lesson 9- Nature's Way of Life- Part 2
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2015, 01:25:15 PM »
And here's what I got for Part 2. I actually created 2 different lessons for this part. Couldn't decide on which. For the practice/ production, the number correspond with what lesson. So 1 practice and 1 production were used together in one lesson, and the (2s) were used for the alternate version of the lesson.

Listen and Speak 2- I'm worried about...

Warm-Up: Word Unscramble- All words come from the textbook.

    1) Go over the key language. Have students come up with the worry for each picture.
    2) Do "Walking BINGO" to practice the key expressions instead of using the ppt and/or whiteboards. I've attached a 4x4 BINGO and a 5x5 BINGO. I made the 5, then switched to the 4, to speed up the practice.

Textbook: A & B part 1/2

   1) Play "Chair Dash" - Each student writes at least 4 things they are worried about. While they are writing, I'm moving the extra desks out of the way and making a circle with the chairs. Make a circle with enough chairs for everybody minus 1. 1 student stands in the middle and says  thing they are worried about. Everybody with the same worry stands up BUT DOESN'T move. After playing this game a lot, I made a new rule, which keeps the game fun and makes it work every time. The person in the middle then says "Everybody sitting OR Everybody standing MOVE!" Then the indicated (sitting/standing) students have to switch their seats. This way they have to switch seats every time. Good fun. They could play for an entire period if I let them.
  2) Charades- Have one student come and read the charade card. Leave the list on the screen. They go back and act out the card to their groups. Then the group writes the full "i'm worried about..." sentence on their white board and lifts it up in the air. You can decide how to give points.

Both worked well for me! Hope they can help you too! If you want to do chair dash,i suggest going faster through the ppt to give yourself more time to move the desks. Make sure you time the writing and moving of desks to speed it up.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2015, 01:30:05 PM by amreeves »

Offline gigigaulin

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Re: Lesson 9 Nature's Way of Life
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2015, 03:01:46 PM »

If you're like me, you come in after the Korean teacher has already taught some of the content. Therefore, this PPT is for a class that has already been over a good amount of the material.

Intro- Small words game (5-7 minutes)
Review- review key phrases and elicit answers from class (5-7)
Practice- running dictation! The sentences are included at the end of the PPT. Hide the slips in various places in the classroom and set the children loose in pairs or small groups to attempt to find all 15. YOU NEED TO TELL THEM THEY CANNOT TAKE THE PAPERS WITH THEM (totally ruins the whole activity and they always try to). When a group finishes, tell them they have to write WHO might say that to them. This references the review PPT idea.

It took a whole period and the kids had fun, even the ones who usually refuse to participate. Since they only have to verbalize to their partner, they got a lot more relaxed. I rewarded groups who finished with a candy!

Offline clockkitty

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Re: Lesson 9 Nature's Way of Life
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2015, 08:59:00 AM »
This lesson is for LS 1. Thanks to amreeves cause all I really did was change a few things. My students don't have room in the classroom to do the circle game. The Bingo game is good, but moving in my classroom is horrible and also students refuse to do those games. So I changed it to a still very active game, but students stand in one place.

Offline josieb93

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Re: Lesson 9 Nature's Way of Life
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2018, 08:35:04 AM »
This lesson plan is heavily based on all the others found in this thread on waygook. I just tweaked it a little bit to suit my classes.
In my class, the teacher has already been teaching the chapter, so it's really me just giving them extra time to practise it.
Also, it needs to be noted that I only have 6 students in this class.
Hope it helps!

Lesson 1
1st: warm up-explained in pp
2nd: presented and practised key expressions with pp
3rd: completed work sheet-self explanatory.
4th: played game-explained in pp. I put a piece of candy in each cup to motivate the students to participate. This game went a little long, if I could do this class again I would make the worksheet a little longer/harder. 
Lesson 2
1st: Warm up-pictionary
2nd:presented and practised key expressions with pp
3rd: Played circle game that has previosly been explained in this thread
4th: Played cherades.