Here is what I have prepared so far for this lesson. There is a power point that introduces the key phrases of 'What do you think of _____?' and 'I think it's/they're ____.' There is an adjective word list that goes along with it. As we went through the power point, the students were asked to write the adjectives that we thought up throughout class. Most had 40 or more by the time class finished. For the next class, there is a short word scramble added to the end of the power point. This will just be used as a review before their vocabulary spelling test but you could use it as a quick game. The students are really enthralled by it usually. Then there is a worksheet that has writing practice that is similar to the Talk Together section as well as a gap fill. Last there is an Adjective Word Search as the second page to the writing practice. Hope you all enjoy it. Let me know what you think!