This heat is killer! All of the rewards for my students seem to be melting into nice gooey puddles and I don't know how to make it stop. :c I mean I do vary the kinds of candy I give out, but sometimes I want to surprise them with some American kinds (like Warheads, for instance), but the heat gets into everything and makes it awful. I mean hell, even some of my taffies have turned into nice gooey puddles in their wrappers. How do you beat this kind of heat?
I don't understand why everyone is responding to the OP with such unnecessary sarcasm. Perhaps OP was hoping for suggestions about a general or specific product that could keep her rewards cool...? This community doesn't need to be so toxic!Onto the OP's problem, how about buying a cooler bag? You can put ice in them and they are generally designed to keep things cool! It shouldn't be too heavy if you are only carrying candy or chocolate rewards. :DAs to finding a cooler bag, perhaps showing one of your Korean friends or another teacher a picture of this bag and asking them how to acquire it or by searching G-Market! Good luck!