October 14, 2016, 11:33:45 AM

Author Topic: Waygooks explain why westerners living in Asia are losers  (Read 3886 times)

Online donovan

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Waygooks explain why westerners living in Asia are losers
« on: September 10, 2016, 02:53:25 PM »
Given the outrage that was felt among the expat community at the presumtuousness of a Korean woman to take it upon herself to explain to the world why westerners in Asia are losers, let's wrest the narrative back into our own hands and give a firsthand account of our substandard existences.  Failatlife, would you like to start?

Online Pecan

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Re: Waygooks explain why westerners living in Asia are losers
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2016, 03:56:45 PM »
I don't object to the characterization depending on the meaning of the word.

Most who seek to travel abroad and explore life outside of the "comfort" and routine of "the ordinary" have been "touched" in some way.

They tend to have a colonialist mentality and seek privilege.  They tend to be socially awkward, compulsive, neurotic loners, hypocrites, and opportunists.

The title of "Loser" doesn't quite fit with many who have either rejected their society or been rejected by their society.

One can live without the pressure of having to meet the expectations their society places on them by relocating outside of their own society, a sort of nonconformity, "normity".

Many who seek such an existence tend to be social outcasts, queer, odd, abnormal, the "loser" (again, not crazy about using such a word, as many have been quite successful at creating a life that "works" for them).

Enjoy your Chew-suck, all!

Offline Thomas Mc

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Re: Waygooks explain why westerners living in Asia are losers
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2016, 02:21:21 AM »
I'll probably be like this guy in a few years.


Offline Moe Hay

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Re: Waygooks explain why westerners living in Asia are losers
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2016, 03:04:09 AM »
How about some people enjoy something different? That's not enough?

The majority of people I have met here do not fall into the "colonizer" mentality category. They do not come seeking to abuse or misuse anyone - usually quite the opposite.
They are not perfect, nor is anyone, but most have not been "losers," whatever that means. Many are actually liberal arts majors whose skills line up with teaching English overseas, so they do it. Some are simply looking for something interesting to do. They like travel, etc.

The stranger, more mentally-tweaked among us certainly exist, but I don't think that percentage is very large these days, nor is it always a bad thing. Most are youngish twenty-somethings doing a couple of years overseas having experiences similar to what they'd have in any situation because they are young and confused, perhaps. In my twenties while living in the US, I saw the same level (or much more) of dysfunction among my cohort that I have seen here in passing or via direct friendships in Korea.

I don't know what kind of people users of this website hang out with, but I think much of an individual's view of "all expats in Asia" has a lot to do with how you perceive your immediate friend set or immediate relationships here (possibly coworkers, too). If you think they are all losers, then at least switch friend sets if you can't switch jobs. If you are hanging out with people who constantly think and say questionable things, drink too much, aren't interested in doing a decent job while they are here, etc. then find a new group who isn't like that. They are out there. Your view of the whole might change dramatically, or at least become more nuanced. It's like anywhere else.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2016, 03:09:55 AM by Moe Hay »

Offline some waygug-in

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Re: Waygooks explain why westerners living in Asia are losers
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2016, 03:30:18 AM »
Thought I was better than many when I first went,  realized I was worse than most

by the time I left.   

Some of the expats I met and worked with were headed on a downward spiral,

but not all.  Many came to do their best, but were frustrated by the 'system' and

turned to booze or whatever to try and cope.

There were some very fine people I worked with, there were some total jerks, and others who seemed to have a few screws loose.  (both Koreans and expats)

The thing that Korea has taught me was how to look at things from different perspectives than what the "crowd" is doing.   It's easy to see all the faults and problems in Korean society when you're and outsider,  but then going home and
you start seeing similar things in your own country. 

Anyhooooooooooo,  I've wasted enough of your time.

Good luck all.

Online donovan

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Re: Waygooks explain why westerners living in Asia are losers
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2016, 12:09:45 PM »
Not at all, Waygug-in, I think we are finally starting to get somewhere. I'm glad Thomas was able to share his fears for the future, but so far the others who have posted have remained in the abstract and not provided the honest personal testimony that would allow true healing to emerge. Allow me to give my story:

My absentee father always used to say I was adopted as some sort of justification for not paying child support. I never believed it until the age of 35 when my mother said I had to move out of the garage and find my own way because she was moving with her boyfriend Pedro to go live on a Mexican Mennonite commune where they wouldn't have garages, just stabled where the clydesdales would be kept. I always resented her for not having a basement anyway, so I prepared to pack my belongings into a knapsack without protest. In the process I uncovered the adoption papers that listed my birthname as Eugene Lee. Mom and Pedro had slipped out without a word the night before, and nobody remained to give the full story. With nothing to lose and even less information to go off of, I set out on a mission to find my birthparents. Knowing Lee was a common name throughout Asia, combined with the memory of my first-grade best friend, an adoptee from Korea, I hid myself in a Hanjin container ship and set off for the Land of the Rising Sun.

My BA in artistic welding from South-east Western Iowa Polytechnical Institute (Go Gators!) came in handy to land me my first ever real job -- teaching English to kindergarteners -- but the debt it saddled me with cramped the boozing lifestyle I had settled into while I worked out a plan to find my birth parents. Then one afternoon I was awoken on the sidewalk a few blocks from my one-room by a lithe older woman with an ebullient countenance who said she would take care of me if only I followed her. Follow her I did back to her headquarters above the Nae Nae chicken where I met her 11 other followers. They all called her Aumma and chanted her blessings during my initiation ceremony, where I collapsed in a heap and for the first time really opened up about my adoption, my excessive drinking, and my student loan troubles. She said I was her child now and that as such she would take care of me. From then on I wired my full earnings to her with the promise that she would keep my creditors at bay, and I lived in relative peace until one day, several months later We sent Aumma off on what was supposed to be a three week trip to tend to her followers in another colony in Azerbaijan and never heard from her again. Jilted and dejected, and knowing I could never go back to Iowa now and face the banks, I'm here in Korea for the long haul.

That was 12 years ago already, and the three kids I had with Aumma would be nearly middle schoolers now if I didn't hold certain conspiracy theories that preclude me from allowing my kids to participate in anything that might amount to a mainstream brainwashing. My only solace is knowing my pale complexion is sometimes enough to dupe some naive local Tinder users into buying my dinner on our first date after running off the the bathroom and never returning.

My own idea of "hooking up".
« Last Edit: September 11, 2016, 12:29:09 PM by donovan »

Offline argaluza

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Re: Waygooks explain why westerners living in Asia are losers
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2016, 01:18:56 PM »
True story, back in the 1990's, waiting at the bus stop, coming off night shift and got talking to some old feller, he was proud of his son working in Taiwan 'Teaching kids - married a local girl an all'. It was interesting to listen to - sure sounded better than being bollocked on night turn for taking 31 minutes for dinner instead of 30 - I didn't give it much thought apart from 'lucky him'.

One day in the library, I was searching for books to read to pass the time and came across 'Teaching English Abroad' by Susan Griffith and picked it up, thinking about the nice old chap I met at the bus stop a few months back - I started to read it.

I was amazed people were desperately needed to teach English everywhere. Peru, Korea, Japan, Russia - I was like Whoooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I thought it was a dream job (still do).

So, I hit 30, decided that I needed to change my life and did so, enrolled at a university degree course that specialised in Linguistics and TEFL - because after more research, I decided that's what I wanted to do and that would be the best course to take, four years later - I was on the plane to my first job in South Korea.

Later on, I got my related masters degree - I did a year in Saudi Arabia and saved 25000 dollars to get it done.

I might be lucky, I haven't met any losers to be honest - I've met jerks, wankers, tosspots and people tighter than a cemented brick BUT very few losers.

I have met a lot of people who place a higher value on their skillset than what they are actually worth, I remember overhearing one conversation between two young Canadian ladies and the 250000 dollar a year jobs they were going to get once they left Korea.

I have also met a fair few people who loved living abroad, but were under intense pressure from parents to 'come home' thankfully - my parents are immigrants themselves - so yeah - they understand - I am sure it must be embarrassing to say 'Hey, I love my life here but mummy and daddy want me home for Christmas'.

Every time I go back home - no-one has ever called me a loser - I come from a working class part of England, jobs are hard to find, I know people scratching around on zero hour contracts - they think what I am doing is great and I don't see them as losers, they are people just trying to get on by honestly - just like we are.

I love my life - anyone can call me what they want - I am in no hurry to swap my existence for anyone elses.  :afro:

Offline KimDuHan

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Re: Waygooks explain why westerners living in Asia are losers
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2016, 01:37:26 PM »
So I've worked in Korea awhile. I am not seen as a loser by my friends back home actually a couple of my childhood friends have taught English in Korea too. Some of my other friends have visited me here also.

People who think of me as a loser are usually arts and crafts majors who haven't worked a day in there life and blame the government for their problems.

It's usually social justice warriors that label English teachers losers.

Online donovan

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Re: Waygooks explain why westerners living in Asia are losers
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2016, 02:55:24 PM »
Hm. There may be  something wrong with my basic premise here. Argaluza and Duhan, you certainly don't sound like losers and I'm glad you're enjoying your lives here. (No Argalosers here^^) Perhaps I'm the only one? We could try to track down those two Canadian girls and see how they're faring :azn:
« Last Edit: September 11, 2016, 02:57:56 PM by donovan »

Offline argaluza

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Re: Waygooks explain why westerners living in Asia are losers
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2016, 03:09:19 PM »
Hm. There may be  something wrong with my basic premise here. Argaluza and Duhan, you certainly don't sound like losers and I'm glad you're enjoying your lives here. (No Argalosers here^^) Perhaps I'm the only one? We could try to track down those two Canadian girls and see how they're faring :azn:


An Argaluza but not an Argalosa indeed!!

My mind goes back to those two girls and how they are faring a fair few times over the years... the plans of mice and men and all that... I hope they achieved what they set out to do.

Offline Aurata

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Re: Waygooks explain why westerners living in Asia are losers
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2016, 08:56:07 PM »
I was searching for books to read to pass the time and came across 'Teaching English Abroad' by Susan Griffith and picked it up

Holy cow it was the same book got me started all those years ago.

I always remember the cartoon graphic in there "Cowboy schools abound". That image has popped back into my head over the years whenever I've encountered a bad situation  :laugh:

I might be lucky, I haven't met any losers to be honest - I've met jerks, wankers, tosspots and people tighter than a cemented brick BUT very few losers.

I've met probably a higher ratio of those back in the west.
Imagine your Korea...

Offline jeremydc808

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Re: Waygooks explain why westerners living in Asia are losers
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2016, 09:21:01 PM »
Thought I was better than many when I first went,  realized I was worse than most

by the time I left.   


Offline argaluza

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Re: Waygooks explain why westerners living in Asia are losers
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2016, 09:32:43 PM »
I was searching for books to read to pass the time and came across 'Teaching English Abroad' by Susan Griffith and picked it up

Holy cow it was the same book got me started all those years ago.

I always remember the cartoon graphic in there "Cowboy schools abound". That image has popped back into my head over the years whenever I've encountered a bad situation  :laugh:

I might be lucky, I haven't met any losers to be honest - I've met jerks, wankers, tosspots and people tighter than a cemented brick BUT very few losers.

I've met probably a higher ratio of those back in the west.

A great book - this was before widespread internet and I would delve into the book and lose myself in the possibilities, I remember reading it - it was similar to 'how to become an astronaut and travel to Saturn' a ridiculous dream - I remember reading the long passage on Korea and how there were loads of jobs and it was rather modern in Seoul - if you had told me at the time I would be living in Asia permanently one day in the future - I would have laughed in your face - the concept was as far as way as becoming an Olympic gymnast and here I am - but that book was a goldmine of information - especially pre-internet.

Offline west coast tatterdemalion

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Re: Waygooks explain why westerners living in Asia are losers
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2016, 12:47:07 AM »
Hm. There may be  something wrong with my basic premise here. Argaluza and Duhan, you certainly don't sound like losers and I'm glad you're enjoying your lives here. (No Argalosers here^^) Perhaps I'm the only one? We could try to track down those two Canadian girls and see how they're faring :azn:


An Argaluza but not an Argalosa indeed!!

My mind goes back to those two girls and how they are faring a fair few times over the years... the plans of mice and men and all that... I hope they achieved what they set out to do.

For the kind of money that they mentioned, I'm sure they gave quite a few lap dances as well as other, ahem, activities.

Offline Joshua1211

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Re: Waygooks explain why westerners living in Asia are losers
« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2016, 11:57:39 AM »
Maybe I'm one of those types some would classify as a "loser"?

I was one of those naive weirdos who assumed getting good grades in high school and getting into college guaranteed success. Turned out my school wasn't well equipped for my animation major, but I was too blinded by all the money they were throwing at my face to realize going to school in the midwest probably wasn't the best option seeing as there isn't the smallest semblance of an animation industry there (for internships and such). By my senior year I was extremely jaded and barely managed to graduate.

Came back home to live with my parents while I looked for work. I didn't have much to show after my four years of school and had no idea where to go to look for work because my professor's philosophy on professional development was that self-guided professional development was it's greatest reward. It still pisses me off to this day when I think about how much of a lazy, useless, a#$hole he was.

Got a job at a pizza place. Got fired within a couple of months. I was feeling pretty great about myself at this point. I mean when the high school girl who does nothing but buffer her nails, text, and blast sh!tty Lil Wayne and country music all day get's promoted and I get fired it makes it hard to not feel like you're not completely failing at life. Got a job as a dishwasher at a hotel. On really fun nights my boss (head chef) would be too drunk to cook. The owner was too cheap to hire a second cook, so the wait staff and I had to try to cook the orders on top of our own duties. I was becoming desperate to get out at this point and was considering joining the military. I'm not sure where the idea to teach abroad came from but I managed to save enough money from dishwashing gig to enroll in a TEFL course.

Came to Korea nearly 4 years ago. It's had it's ups and downs and I'm looking forward to leaving after this contract but I'm proud of myself for getting out of a crap situation on my own. I've traveled to a few SEA countries on my own, something I was completely intimidated by when I first came to Korea. While I might not be the "traditional" model of success (I'm still a long ways off from having my own house and a stable career) I'm proud of how much I've grown and have learned to rely on myself. Some friends back home have gone the "traditional" route and looking back I wouldn't change my experiences for anything. There are times where I'm jealous of my friends but their lives also bore me tears. It's stressful at times not knowing what the next step is, but I love the life I'm living. I don't really care if anyone thinks I'm a loser for moving abroad because I couldn't hack it back home. Their definition of success isn't the same as mine and it's often much more mundane.

Online donovan

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Re: Waygooks explain why westerners living in Asia are losers
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2016, 12:12:16 PM »
Hey Joshua

Thanks for that. (Just when I thought West Coast had killed the conversation!) I really created this thread satirically hoping for some banter. No reason for anyone here in Korea to feel like a loser or a failure if they're doing their job well and satisfied with where they find themselves. Even if this isn't where many of us see ourselves in the long term, it can be a good way to reset and gather steam for the future. And I think there are enough long-termers on this site who are obviously knowledgeable and committed to their work who can serve as models for anyone who wants to make a career out of this but feel discouraged by the negative views sometimes held by the populace toward EFL teachers here.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2016, 12:15:56 PM by donovan »

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Re: Waygooks explain why westerners living in Asia are losers
« Reply #16 on: September 12, 2016, 01:08:58 PM »
The happiness and "success" of people in Korea, in my experience, seems to strongly correlate to how much they looked into this place before they came, whether they specifically wanted to come to Korea (as opposed to assuming it was just the same as Japan/Thailand), and the degree to which they internalize/externalize blame. The final one is the age of their students and the person's gender. If they're male, the older their students, the more likely they are to be happy (of course there are exceptions). For female expats, this doesn't apply as much as there are female expat teachers who are drawn to kids. Being able to have a beer with your students works wonders for one's morale as a male teacher. 

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Re: Waygooks explain why westerners living in Asia are losers
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2016, 03:28:21 PM »
@donovan Your story is very, very interesting.

Especially that part about the 'ahjumma' beckoning for you and the antics that ensue - This remind me of my own experience walking around Cheongyangri station at night and an elderly ahjumma comes up and asks me "care for a good time?"

I was utterly shocked and surprised and my mind had severe difficulty wrapping around this 'ahjumma' with the words 'good time'. I ran and then found the conveniently located 588 district and then proceeded to choose who I would have my good time with.

The end :)  :police:
DISCLAIMER: I work at a Hair Transplant clinic in Gangnam, Seoul. I am not a doctor, but can provide information by request/PM.

I also love good food!

Online donovan

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Re: Waygooks explain why westerners living in Asia are losers
« Reply #18 on: September 12, 2016, 03:44:39 PM »
@donovan Your story is very, very interesting.

Especially that part about the 'ahjumma' beckoning for you and the antics that ensue - This remind me of my own experience walking around Cheongyangri station at night and an elderly ahjumma comes up and asks me "care for a good time?"

I was utterly shocked and surprised and my mind had severe difficulty wrapping around this 'ahjumma' with the words 'good time'. I ran and then found the conveniently located 588 district and then proceeded to choose who I would have my good time with.

The end :)  :police:

Please only post loser stories here~ :undecided:

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Re: Waygooks explain why westerners living in Asia are losers
« Reply #19 on: October 06, 2016, 06:27:01 PM »
The only time i think of someone as a loser is if they introduce themselves as a musician, or an artist or whatever the f@ck.  Maybe you did that back home, but barring a small percentage, you are an English teacher and whatever you just introduced yourself as is your hobby. When that is where you get your sole income from being an artist, then you are a n artist.  Just because you made a short film or displayed your paintings at the expat bar...you get what i am saying.  I think that is a perfectly acceptable reason to call somebody a loser. 


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