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Author Topic: Short, Engaging Activities for 3rd Graders  (Read 718 times)

Offline mkinkorea

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Short, Engaging Activities for 3rd Graders
« on: September 18, 2016, 04:42:55 PM »
Hi all!

I am a new teacher (first month) working in a Korean middle school, and my 3rd grade classes have midterms coming up in a few weeks. For the next few lessons, we have to go through a full chapter in the book for each class (rather than spending two classes on one chapter). Normally, I would do a warm-up, do the listen and speak parts of the book, and then have 25-30 minutes left for activities, but because we are doing extra book work, we now only have about 10-15 minutes left to do activities.

The kids are really bored after doing all of the book exercises, and I've been struggling to find simple, engaging activities that we can set up and finish in 10-15 minutes (the classes are huge so even Pictionary, Battleship, etc take a while to get going). If anyone has suggestions or experience with this, I'd love to hear it.

Thanks in advance!

Offline ms298

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Re: Short, Engaging Activities for 3rd Graders
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2016, 12:01:29 PM »
I also teach middle school, including 3rd grade.

Do you have mini whiteboards available? There are so many guessing games you can play with those where they work in teams of 4. I find they really get engaged. You can easily adapt it to suit the target language. For example, if the key expression is "In my opinion," have them guess weird facts or geography trivia or cultural trivia, anything like that (multiple choice). Each team writes their answer on the whiteboard, then all teams hold up the whiteboard and say out loud, "In my opinion, ~~~."

The best part about this type of game is it can be shortened or extended so easily (just make a ton of questions, but you can stop playing at any time!). Sometimes I throw in "bonus" rounds or different types of questions (e.g., unrelated to the key expression/today's topic) to mix it up and keep the kids from getting bored.

If you don't have access to mini whiteboards, you could improvise with clear page protectors or laminated white paper and dry erase markers.

I've also done a 'listening' challenge where they have to draw a picture according to my directions, then I get them in groups of 4 and give one person in each group a new set of drawing instructions, which they have to read to their group slowly and clearly while the other 3 students draw. (You can use that just for fun or to practice "Would you say that again? / Would you repeat that? / Pardon me?" type of expressions.) Takes 10-15 minutes depending on how complicated you make the instructions.

Bingo/"find someone who" mingling activities usually take about 10 minutes (maybe a little more if you have a big class).

Hope this helps! ;D

Offline mkinkorea

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Re: Short, Engaging Activities for 3rd Graders
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2016, 10:19:47 PM »
Thanks! Those are some good suggestions. I got some mini whiteboards recently so I'll work on some activities they can do with that.

Online castowers

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Re: Short, Engaging Activities for 3rd Graders
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2016, 02:00:46 PM »
I only see my Grade 1 & 2 classes twice a month. So with midterms (like you) I have to cram the entire book into 1 class period. I usually use bomb games to review. Takes a little bit of time to create review questions for each lesson but not too bad. The kids always go crazy for them and instantly wake up. If you don't want to use bomb games, "Choose Your Adventure" Games are fun too.

You'll, ideally, want more time for the Adventure Time game but I played it today and it went well. The Advice Adventure game is much quicker and should suffice for 10-15 mins.

The Adventure Time PPT/WS and drawing Mickey Mouse activity teach chronological order. The "From Bad To Worse" episode is 12 minutes long. Drawing Mickey Mouse takes 10 minutes.

You could also always throw together and easy word search or just put on youtube. Assuming your CT allows that.


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