Hello, I'm Sunny. I'm teaching at an elementary school in Kyeonggi. Please, I need your idea about effective poster presentation for speaking and listening. My 5th graders made their election posters using the module verb will. The next class, my co-native teacher and I designed Poster Presentation. First, divided two teams (girls, boys). Girls started to put up their posters on the walls and talked about their promises as a president of the world. Last voting time in which students put their sticker to the best poster. We managed to achieve, but not that satisfactory. There were a few rubs: girls didn't talk about their posters just standing next to their posters, boys didn't go around to listen to every girl. Only one-thirds of them attended actively. There were not that many talks. Boys just read them not to listen. There are 28 students (12boys, 16girls). Then next boys' turn. The similar circumstance happened. Besides some naughty boys put up their posters over other girls'. How can make students talk and listen to each other move lively and actively?