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Author Topic: Speaking Class with 3 students  (Read 971 times)

Offline jabretner

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Speaking Class with 3 students
« on: January 26, 2017, 11:38:04 AM »
Hello! I ran a two week speaking class (2 hours each day) with just 3 students. It turned out to be really fun as the students did want to participate and talk. I would start each class with a warm up (Categories, Rhymes, Tongue Twisters, Hangman, Who am I? etc) and then would go into a discussion. I made different PowerPoints with different talking prompts and they worked really well.

Debate Topics - I gave a question "Should students have to wear uniforms at school?" and students had to come up with 3 reasons to support their opinion.

If statements and why - For example "If you were a hotdog and were starving would you eat yourself?" and "If you weren't Korean what nationality would you be and why?"

What would you do? - I gave different situations such as "What would you do if you borrowed your friends phone and accidentally broke it?" and students had to say what they would do.

Is it worth the risk? - I gave situations such as skydiving or cheating on a test and students had to explain why they thought it was or wasn't worth the risk.

Dreams - I had students describe their dream house, dream date, dream vacation etc.

Story Time - I gave an emotion (happy, confused, embarrassed etc) and students had to describe a time when they felt that emotion. This was my personal favorite as I got to hear some really funny stories! 

I also used a would your rather PowerPoint that I found here on Waygook.

I would run the discussion for about an hour (each PowerPoint lasted about 2 classes) and then have a break. Then I would play a board game (Scrabble, Apples to Apples, Cooking up Sentences, Squint). 

The girls really enjoyed the class and I think these could be used for an after school class as well!

Offline biancamoksha

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Re: Speaking Class with 3 students
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2017, 05:42:49 PM »
Awesome! Thank you. Great idea for Speaking Classes.

Offline Joleigh

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Re: Speaking Class with 3 students
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2017, 03:03:13 AM »
Bless you.
I've been teaching a three student speaking class for the past two weeks. I was given textbooks used to help students study for the TOEIC speaking test.
The test is divided into five sections and they are currently working on "Read a text" and "Describe a picture".
I have my class pronunciation drill most classes and concentrate on a different part of speech to help build more complex sentences to describe pictures.

While my high schooler enjoys the lessons (She understands more as well) my two middle school boys are getting a bit bored, but they do like to talk. The high school student will be absent for a week so I'm hoping to incorporate these activities and get the energy back up.


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