I've made a lesson about April Fools' Day around the world.
I started with a little prank on the students (I've uploaded the version where I pretend there's a speaking test). You don't have to do this, but obviously it can be a fun way to introduce the topic.
Next I get the students to listen and watch the PPT and fill in the blanks about how April Fools' Day is celebrated around the world. After that I show them two videos from the BBC which are April Fools' pranks, then a few prank articles. I then get the students to make their own prank articles.
After that there is a prank wordsearch which I tell the students they have 2 minutes to do, but they only have 1 minute or so. Then reveal the words are "You have been pranked".
Finish with a "Fake or Real" game which I lifted from waygook.