May 21, 2017, 11:33:38 PM

Author Topic: Simple English videos for "First, Then, Next, Finally"?  (Read 363 times)

Offline mikeglass

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Simple English videos for "First, Then, Next, Finally"?
« on: April 06, 2017, 02:11:31 PM »
Hello everyone,

I've been struggling to find some good, simple videos that I can show my students for directions and sequence of events. For example: "First... Then... Next... Finally..." I've watched dozens of simple cooking and other how-to videos trying to find this language in clear English, but to no avail. 
Does anyone know of any good resources for this? The best I've come up with is a compilation of Sour Patch Kids commercials that say "First, they're sour. Then, they're sweet." However, my CT's have asked for more.


Offline nvflawless

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Re: Simple English videos for "First, Then, Next, Finally"?
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2017, 05:40:30 PM »
Hey, sorry about the late response.

I did a lesson on this the other week - I taught from the textbook which covered putting events in order of what happened first/second/then/next/finally, then to practice that I had the kids watch the Mr. Bean Makes a Sandwich clip and used a vocab ppt, worksheet, and game ppt created by another incredibly helpful Waygook user. I wish I could credit them but I just searched all of the forums I would have been looking in when I found these materials and was unable to relocate the original creator.

It went over really well with my students - they gave good responses on the worksheet and got really competitive over the game.

It sounds like OP was looking for videos which have spoken examples of the TL, and Mr. Beans has like no dialogue so maybe this isn't what you had in mind, but I found that just using the silent clip and eliciting the language from the students worked well.


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