This is a game for practicing using prepositions in sentences. I adapted the game from a previous post, though I can't find the original. Apologies for not referencing the original creator.
Step 1: print and cut out 21 pokemon (see Pokemon Go list.docx)
Step 2: If possible, laminate. Then place pokemon around the classroom.
Step 3: print out team packets (see pokemon go packet.docx)
Teams of two is best. Teams of 3 or 4 could also work.
Step 4: Review prepostions and explain game rules with ppt (see Pokemon Go.ppt)
Have students write the example sentence on the first space on the packet ('Squirtle
is behind the book').
There are 22 spaces, so when they find all 21 pokemon, every space will be filled.
Step 5: Play!
My students loved this game and really got into it. Students will probably have trouble pronouncing the English Pokemon names. If you'd like you could change the names to the Korean Pokemon names. Here's a list: *Note: It works best if one student searches for pokemon, while one student sits at a desk and writes. The seeker will tell the writer where a pokemon is, then they can switch. This encourages more communication in English.