July 09, 2017, 11:10:57 AM

Author Topic: Pluck the Turkey Thanksgiving Trivia Game  (Read 85 times)

Offline RAKincaide

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Pluck the Turkey Thanksgiving Trivia Game
« on: June 08, 2017, 10:23:26 AM »
Hi everyone,

I recently learned that I would be switching from teaching at an all-boys middle school to teaching at a university in 2 months, so I thought I would start the process of uploading my more successful lessons for the benefit of my fellow waygookins. I hope these lessons help you out!

I know it's not anywhere near Thanksgiving, but I want to post this lesson for other users before I totally forget. Thus, I present to you my "Pluck the Turkey" Thanksgiving Trivia Game. It was a hit among my upper-level middle school boys, because it gives them the opportunity to shamlessly destroy one another.

Trivia questions are worth 1, 2, or 3 feathers depending on their difficulty. Click on the team's turkey feathers to make them disappear, and click on the turkey in the corner of each screen to return to home. Unfortunately, the questions don't disappear after you follow the hyperlink because PPT was being a pain. Please feel free to steal this and make edits to your heart's content.


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