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Author Topic: What's Been the Best Game You've Ever Played?  (Read 4783 times)

Offline yirj17

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Re: What's Been the Best Game You've Ever Played?
« Reply #20 on: July 21, 2017, 03:15:21 PM »
Just remembered: flip cup.  If I have enough students I group them into teams. 

My middle schoolers went nuts and it went over well with most of my elementary kids too (some of my classes have only 2 students so if one kid is less coordinated then the game wasn't as well received).

Depending on their English level, I either have them just read single vocab words from the cups or plug the vocab word into a key expression.

Offline debbiem89

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Re: What's Been the Best Game You've Ever Played?
« Reply #21 on: August 16, 2017, 09:31:44 AM »
The Hot seat game is SO simple but they LOVE it. It's great because it's so easily adapted for different levels.

Also along the same lines Taboo works incredibly well and again can be easily adjusted.

20 questions is really popular..particularly after a few rounds when they start asking really well thought out questions to gain useful information... instead of just "is it air? Is it the sky?" and wasting them all haha.

Basically any game I put my students into teams for and pit them against each other works a charm. These games are all like my bread and butter...I've made loads of bomb games and more specific ones but I use these ones often and they've always gone down really well.

Offline IRL_sean

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Re: What's Been the Best Game You've Ever Played?
« Reply #22 on: August 18, 2017, 05:37:10 PM »
"The Chair Game" (I didn't name it) is highly requested around here. Everyone sits in a circle facing inwards with one student standing in the middle who says something true about themselves. Anyone else that it's true for must change seats. It also allows for a lot of English level disparity. Lower levels can use simple sentences. (I'm a boy!) Higher levels can make more elaborate ones. (I had rice for breakfast!) Appallingly low levels can just say a color they're wearing or something.

Hey this was the game I primarily used for the camp and they loved it! Thanks for your input.
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Offline DanaPaige

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Re: What's Been the Best Game You've Ever Played?
« Reply #23 on: August 29, 2017, 03:29:07 PM »
Snake- I call it Word Connection

But basically, I give 2 random words, like: TRAIN and HANDSOME

and they have match the words, using other words.
for my lower level kids, i tell them any words
for me higher level kids, i specify - VERBS or ANIMALS or COLORS
at first, i start easy like 4 words, and then work my way up to something like 6 words: 2 verbs, 2 adjectives, 2 nouns


  N eveR

i didn't think much of the game at first, but even my completely dead middle school grade 3 students were into it after the first round

Offline zapata

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Re: What's Been the Best Game You've Ever Played?
« Reply #24 on: August 30, 2017, 07:34:43 AM »
Snake- I call it Word Connection

But basically, I give 2 random words, like: TRAIN and HANDSOME

and they have match the words, using other words.
for my lower level kids, i tell them any words
for me higher level kids, i specify - VERBS or ANIMALS or COLORS
at first, i start easy like 4 words, and then work my way up to something like 6 words: 2 verbs, 2 adjectives, 2 nouns


  N eveR

i didn't think much of the game at first, but even my completely dead middle school grade 3 students were into it after the first round

Thanks DanaPage! This sounds like a great game, I really want to try it out, but I'm trying to figure out the logistics. Do you play with groups? Do you time them? Also, do you give them points? Please let me know :)

Offline DanaPaige

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Re: What's Been the Best Game You've Ever Played?
« Reply #25 on: August 30, 2017, 10:18:39 AM »
Snake- I call it Word Connection

But basically, I give 2 random words, like: TRAIN and HANDSOME

and they have match the words, using other words.
for my lower level kids, i tell them any words
for me higher level kids, i specify - VERBS or ANIMALS or COLORS
at first, i start easy like 4 words, and then work my way up to something like 6 words: 2 verbs, 2 adjectives, 2 nouns


  N eveR

i didn't think much of the game at first, but even my completely dead middle school grade 3 students were into it after the first round

Thanks DanaPage! This sounds like a great game, I really want to try it out, but I'm trying to figure out the logistics. Do you play with groups? Do you time them? Also, do you give them points? Please let me know :)

Here's my PPT~
I usually play with groups- depends on the size and their level, but I tend to let 4-6 in a group. You can choose based on their ability/ class size. (Other questions are answered in the PPT) You should change "the winning team gets--" slide to however you reward your kids. For me one school gets candy, the other gets a school point.

Also, one thing that came up- Example, group 1 and 2 raised their hands. group 1 is faster, so i check group 1 answers first, but they were wrong. so i go to group 2- but as i was checking group 1's answers, group 2 erased their board. so group 2 has to rewrite what they wrote.

so you could tell them to not erase their boards until the point is given. but sometimes, i find over explaining things confuses them. so personally, i didn't mention it and i just told group 2 to wait, while i check group 1's answers.

it's not quite like that korean game where they have to connect the last letter of the word.

so example:
connect TRAIN-HANDSOME, 3 words
 e    y
 r    e

this is also okay!

I'm obviously not great at coming up with names - so please feel free to change the title~ but if you do, please let me know what you change it to, i might want to use it too! :)

« Last Edit: September 10, 2017, 06:42:55 PM by DanaPaige »

Offline dubfrost

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Re: What's Been the Best Game You've Ever Played?
« Reply #26 on: August 31, 2017, 03:01:47 PM »
There's a variation of Scategories called Scategories Categories that I use whenever I'm in need of some good filler.
So you take a long word, or pair of words (UNDERWATER or SKIN & BONES) and write it vertically on the board.  Then you state the theme (Things that are underwater, and Body parts, respectively).  Students must write an item with that theme for each letter of the vertical word (ex. U - Urchin, N - Narwhal, D - Dolphin, etc.).  I usually give a time limit, but keep it flexible depending on their level.
Once time is up, I quiz each team on their answers.  If the team's answer is unique (no other team has it), they get 3 points.  If another team has that answer, they get 1 point.
It's really good for wrapping up a subject (like jobs or sicknesses and medicines).