I'm in the same situation. It's tough. It's been trial and error for months, but I struck gold last week when I introduced my student to Scooby-Doo. He's been SO hard to please, but after showing him one episode he wanted to watch more. So I told him I was excited that he liked it, but of course we can't watch it the whole time, so I made a deal with him - we can watch ONE episode a week if we follow this schedule (I have him once a week for two periods): The 1st period we'll go over vocab/expressions/guessing what the episode will be about, etc. (in other words - WORK) and the 2nd period we'll watch the episode and then he'll have to tell me when he heard the English expressions we learned by either choosing between screenshots on a PPT or just describing the scene or what have you, answer some comp questions, and just tell me how he liked the episode. There are SO many episodes on the internet for free. They're totally in English, but I've had even 1st and 2nd graders sit through an episode and stay hooked. They're also short enough that we can finish it in less than one period, so it's just really a blessing lol. Hope this helps?? Good luck!