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Author Topic: Weight-loss tips in Korea  (Read 30997 times)

Offline elle*

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Weight-loss tips in Korea
« on: May 16, 2011, 11:19:49 PM »
Share your tips to losing weight in Korea..What foods/meals help you lose weight?

Offline sanggye

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Re: Weight-loss tips in Korea
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2011, 11:23:22 PM »
I am a strong believer in portion control. You shoud be careful of eating too much rice. Even older Koreans sustain from eating too much rice as it is of course a carb and requires you to have the ability to burn it up quickly. Also, you want to make sure that you do not eat too much close to your bed time. You should sustain from drinking or eating within 4 hours before you go to bed.

Offline Davey

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Re: Weight-loss tips in Korea
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2011, 11:29:54 PM »
don't have a weight problem, but stay in shape by strength training and , of course, watching my diet .

1. no caloric beverages, drink more water.

2. eat a healthy breakfast. this is crucial. . two examples: 1) two boiled eggs with a couple of slices of whole-wheat bread (i know it's hard to find in Korea) or 2) a fibrous cereal with some fruit

3. if you eat the school lunch, skip the rice or reduce its portion to half or a quarter of the bowl. eat more veggies or meat instead.

4. if you must eat refined carbs, save'em for post-workout, when your body utilizes carbs more efficiently.

5. you guys know the rest: avoid fried foods, instant noodles, sweets, etc.

6. sleep at least seven hours/night.

« Last Edit: May 17, 2011, 10:01:44 AM by daveyc18 »
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Offline elle*

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Re: Weight-loss tips in Korea
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2011, 11:34:36 PM »
I bought 5kg of Oats on worked out to 25 000won.

Offline RatnaMH

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Re: Weight-loss tips in Korea
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2011, 11:37:06 PM »
No RICE or Noodles!!

All of it is empty carbs that will lead to food coma later in the day. Unless you are one of those genetically gifted ectomorphs who can feed on anything.

Cook your own food. Eat at a caloric deficit, or workout like a fiend. But eat nonetheless.
Nuts, slow digesting carbs, no soda- Coke Zero is your friend when you are craving, lots of protein (this is where your Costco card comes in handy) and unless you are a heart attack victim you can ignore dietary fat for the most part.

Use Fitday or Dailyplate to track your calories.

Offline exit_everything

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Re: Weight-loss tips in Korea
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2011, 12:32:59 AM »
Cold beverages - water and iced (no sugar!) tea.
Hot beverages - black coffee and teas with no sugar added

- Oatmeal is satisfying - I mix in 1:4 milk/water and berry flavoured flaxseeds
- I buy miso and make a lot of kimchi jjiage/mandu and vegetable soups at home. A couple of cups of vegies in a soup will satisfy your vegetable quota for the day and will only be about 100 calories (add some small mul mandu for an extra 100-150 calories, and a tablespoon of miso paste and chili flakes and you're barely pushing 300 calories)
- Eat tuna and eggs for protein - just not every day!
- Don't eat any white rice or bakery snacks. Buy your own brown rice and eat fruit or nuts as snacks

Cut down on alcohol consumption! Drink heaps of water and snack regularly on healthful foods!

Offline hollifina

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Re: Weight-loss tips in Korea
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2011, 12:45:27 AM »
This is really helpful even though I already knew almost everything here. I just needed to be reminded. Thanks guys!

Offline Damien

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Re: Weight-loss tips in Korea
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2011, 12:59:42 AM »
If you are working out, Carbs are not your enemy. Rice is not bad for you. Too much WHITE rice is bad though. It basically turns into sugar and causes you to crash. Reduce the size of your meals and eat more often. You can lose weight by eating the same amount of food you normally would, but you eat less of it and more often. Eating every 2-3 hours is optimal, but eating every 4 hours is good too. You don't have to eat full meals. Sleeping a solid 7-8 helps too. Good sleep helps you lose more weight than not sleeping much or poor sleep.

I wake up and eat a small snack-breakfast. I go running 30 minutes later and a quick 30 minute workout after. I then eat a solid breakfast, usually 2 hours after I first eat, of 3-4 egg white, 2 yolks, 2 pieces of whole wheat bread, and some fruit. 2-3 hours later I eat a light meal of a peanut butter sandwich with fruit or a few hard boiled eggs with fruit. I eat lunch 2-3 hours later. I then eat a small snack-meal again. I don't always eat great food. I might eat a small ramen or the same as the earlier one. I then eat my dinner 2-3 hours later or another small snack-meal before I workout again. If I workout, I eat a real meal afterwards. This could be beer tips, tuna, fish, chicken, etc. with veggies and fruit. If I go to bed late or don't work out, I eat another snack-meal.

You don't always have to eat amazingly healthy to lose weight. BUT the better the food, the better the results. Eating less and more often helps turn your body into a calorie burning machine. Combine this with good sleep and working out and you are set. Water and fiber are key too. Water helps keep you hydrated and is just amazing for the body. I drink 3-4 liters a day. Cut back on salt too. I average 4-5lbs of water weight from just water retention due to salt. In America I go in my sauna almost every day and can shave that 4-5lbs off in a little over a week with no change in diet. Drink more water and cut the salt back and you can lose that weight over time. Fiber is very important for healthy blood sugar. When I first started eating less and more often, I got light headed from low sugar. My friend told me to eat more fiber or get it from a supplement and it worked wonders. I try to consume 25-30 grams of fiber a day between foods or fiber drinks. They are cheap and tasty in Korea. A 6-pack of 4 grams of fiber per bottle costs about 3,000-4,000 won at Homeplus. Not to mention extra fiber and water is good for going to the bathroom lol.

Between all of these things, I have lost 14lbs in body fat and put on 9lbs of muscle in a month. This was two months ago. I relaxed some, ate worse, and drank more. But I always kept to eating every 2-3 hours, water, fiber, and working out/running 1 or 2 times a week. In the past week I started eating better and working out again. I managed to lose another 2lbs in fat .

Getting the perfect body is hard, but losing weight is not hard. It is not expensive either. I spend less on average eating better than I do eating poorly. I don't go to a gym either. I work out using body resistance and cardio. Small things can improve your health and weight. You just have to try them. Don't expect immediate results without drastic changes either. Everyone can be in better shape, but most people refuse to make small changes or make an effort. Yes, there are some that have health issues or their genetics cause them to be heavier, but there are always things we can do to improve our lives.
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Offline Davey

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Re: Weight-loss tips in Korea
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2011, 01:20:52 AM »
yes, sleep plays a big role as studies have shown poor sleeping habits lead to higher calorie consumption.

fast-digesting carbs like rice and refined bead aren't necessarily bad--it depends on the context. as i mentioned earlier, fast-digesting carbs are good to refuel your body after a strenuous workout.

again, breakfast is crucial; studies have shown time and time again that eating a healthy breakfast ultimately makes you consume fewer daily calories. people think skipping it makes them eat fewer calories, but they usually more than make up for it with the other meals.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2011, 01:41:29 AM by daveyc18 »
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Offline Damien

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Re: Weight-loss tips in Korea
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2011, 01:24:38 AM »
yes, sleep plays a big role as studies have shown poor sleeping habits lead to higher consumption of calories.

fast-digesting carbs like rice and refined bead aren't necessarily bad--it depends on the context. as i mentioned earlier, fast-digesting carbs are good to refuel your body after a strenuous workout.

again, breakfast is crucial; studies have shown time and time again that eating a healthy breakfast ultimately makes you consume fewer daily calories. people think skipping it makes them eat fewer calories, but they usually more than make up for it with the other meals.

Right you are. Breakfast is key. Skipping breakfast defeats the purpose of working out at all during the day, since your body needs food after waking. If you don't eat, your body becomes cannibalistic and consumes stored energy. Most people think, "It will just eat the fat." But the truth is, it starts with the muscle.
“If I accept you as you are, I will make you worse; however if I treat you as though you are what you are capable of becoming, I help you become that.” -Goethe

Offline GEK

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Re: Weight-loss tips in Korea
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2011, 01:37:05 AM »
Get your fiber and roughage from beans and raw veggies. Drink lots of water. Don't drink alcohol.  Weight magically decreases. 

Offline adriansergiusz

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Re: Weight-loss tips in Korea
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2011, 03:41:43 AM »
don't have a weight problem, but stay in shape by strength training and , of course, watching my diet .

1. no caloric beverages, drink more water.

2. eat a healthy breakfast. this is crucial. two examples: 1) two boiled eggs with a couple of slices of whole-wheat bread (i know it's hard to find in Korea) or 2) a fibrous cereal with some fruit

3. if you eat the school lunch, skip the rice or reduce its portion to half or a quarter of the bowl. eat more veggies or meat instead.

4. if you must eat refined carbs, save'em for post-workout, when your body utilizes carbs more efficiently.

5. you guys know the rest: avoid fried foods, instant noodles, sweets, etc.

Basic, easy to follow, and straight to the point, niiiicuhhhhh  :D

Offline Incredagogue

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Re: Weight-loss tips in Korea
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2011, 11:01:38 AM »
Some easy ones that I like to use:

1) You can substitute just about anything with Kimchi and it will aid your weight loss. Kimchi is only about 30 calories per 100 grams and is high in fibre, along with all sorts of vitamins. Eat it when you want to feel full to avoid filling up on something worse!

2) Cutting down on boozing is a huge factor (if you are a drinker). If you do go out on a night of drinking, consider trading off some of your carbs that day for the expected intake of calories from alcohol.

3) Stop taking elevators/escalators. Get off one train stop before your usual stop to incorporate more walking into your daily schedule.

Offline Ectofuego

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Re: Weight-loss tips in Korea
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2011, 11:10:00 AM »
Anyone in the world would assume eating less and exercising more. Move on and offer something that people actually wouldn't think of and stop wasting space.
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Offline teacherjenni

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Re: Weight-loss tips in Korea
« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2011, 11:10:22 AM »
I joined a gym but had a hard time actually going. So, I started taking the stairs everywhere. It helps. I also got the turbo jam fat blaster video. Amazing. I love doing it. I've done it 3 times in the past 4 days. I think it'll be my regular cardio.

Offline nardthefox

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Re: Weight-loss tips in Korea
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2011, 11:19:06 AM »
I order Muesli online (iherb) or find it when I go to Seoul, and mix it up with a banana every morning. Add in my designer whey and milk, and I'm more than set until lunch, as long as I have a nice big gulp of tea and maybe a few almonds, walnuts and raisins for a snack midmorning.

Eat school lunch, and suck it up. The soups, veggies (oh yes, those freaky ones help) and meat works great, but keep the rice on the lighter side unless you're famished.

Dinner...cook your own. I do only two different dinners. I make my own soondooboo jigye (that's so fun to write!) with a ton of veggies and no rice, or I make mo-mil noodle (the healthiest noodle in korea...I think it's buckwheat) with eggs cooked into it and a bit of spaghetti sauce post workout. No rice with the jigye, as usually dinner comes around 8 or 9 for me, and it's difficult to digest it without your body just putting it efficiently into fat rather than a proper workout process. The noodles don't seem to be an issue, though.

Offline taeyang

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Re: Weight-loss tips in Korea
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2011, 11:19:27 AM »
i throw away SO much rice at lunch time. the other teachers at my school are worried for my health, and i'm pretty sure they're in cahoots with the lunch ladies to always pile on the food at lunch...

the fact is - rice is NOT good for you. always eat a little.
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Offline #basedcowboyshirt

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Re: Weight-loss tips in Korea
« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2011, 11:21:07 AM »
Ecto's mad today.

Here's some advice:

- stop eating at restaurants all the time. Larger portions and more ample use of salt and oil, not to mention the price.

- Do your shopping around the outer edge of the store. That means non-processed veggies, meats, etc. Don't buy pre-packaged snacky junk food from the middle aisles.

- Drink lots and lots of tea.4

- Take up smoking (not generally advisable, but it will help you lose weight)

- Train yourself to stick to a plan. My daily food intake goes as follows:

One apple for breakfast. Delicious and healthy and full of easily absorbed sugars to give you a little kick in the AM. If I'm having a really hard time getting awake and moving, or if I feel like being decadent, I'll let myself have two apples. Substitute oranges if they're in season.

Eat a small portion of whatever's for lunch at school.

Make half-a-cup of rice with some bean sprouts, tofu, and bok choy or other green vegetable for dinner.

It costs me a total of about 2,000won per day for food if I don't include school lunch. Cheap, healthy, and delicious. And you will lose weight.

Offline Sara

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Re: Weight-loss tips in Korea
« Reply #18 on: May 17, 2011, 11:22:08 AM »
I lost weight when I stopped eating school lunch. I think it's just too much white rice and sodium. Try packing a sandwich and some carrot sticks from home, or even a roll of kimbab.

Offline ame

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Re: Weight-loss tips in Korea
« Reply #19 on: May 17, 2011, 11:22:27 AM »
Anyone in the world would assume eating less and exercising more. Move on and offer something that people actually wouldn't think of and stop wasting space.

Then why even ask the question?  What's the difference between weight-loss tips in Korea and weight-loss tips in the rest of the world?  Clearly people don't seem to understand that there is no magic, and simply eating less or exercising more is all that's required.

They also ascribe malevolent qualities to white rice which is quite foolish.



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