Yep, forgot to mention that one. You really not to make sure you're drinking plenty of water to get it to work properly, I'd typically make sure I'm drinking around 3lit a day or more when I'm on creatine.
if you're a drinker I find hangovers much worse when I am on creatine than when I am not.
so now i'm curious if it'll be much different...
It doesn't really blend well with my smoothies and that's basically the only way I'd take it, so I don't partake, and I honestly don't need it anyway. But I'm coming in to drop a warning about taking too much of it, it will definitely give you the shits if you overdo it. Seen many a people have to drop their workout to rush off to the bathroom.
holy shit, what a revelation! is this well documented? i was on creatine for a long time and noticed my hangovers were terrrrrrrible. at the time i just thought, "well gloob you're 25 and its all downhill from here." i'm cycled off it but i still haven't drank (those killer hangovers really put me off), so now i'm curious if it'll be much different...