Some do. I assumed most of us want to march to the beat of their own path. But my dad was a heavy-smoking mechanical engineer who hunted and fished as hobbies, retired to farm fruit trees and construct buildings for charity. No following in those footsteps pour moi. Even less so if he had been a banker or lawyer (do you know a single human who pined to follow their parent in such?). keyboard warriorSecurity buys you a secured plot in the ground and guaranteed wet eyelids on funeral day.Maybe that's the story of the deported: they tried to beat the rules and ended up escorted closer to the same place.
Yes, age out. Do you think hagwon directors will continue employing you into your 90s until one morning you die of old age in your hagwon provided bed? You might scoff but you should probably prepare a contingency, because without a better visa than the E-2 they won't let you remain here. Not doing a wind-up act here, genuinely curious
Security puts a roof over your head, clothes and your back, and food on your table. It continues to do so when the wolf is at your door.
There's no death penalty for teaching privates.