The EPIK announcement made no difference to me and hasn't affected the fact I'm leaning towards not renewing and going on a D10 to see what else is out there. I'm working through my city hall, but they seem to follow the EPIK changes and no more. The changes only seem to affect new hires. Not much incentive for me to stay at the same school for an eighth year. Cash out and test the waters. NOT China Hangook. Don't get excited.
Out of curiosity, whatever happened to that specific F visa one could get, without getting married to a Korean or being of Korean decent? The last I heard, completing a contract and passing a certain level of TOPIK opened that door...or, has that been closed as well?
If all else fails....Vietnam is still easy to pick up side gigs and substitute schedules for three months while on a tourist visa.
D-10 is a good option though. However, from what I have heard, it depends on the immigration officer Some are of the Nosey-Nancy type and go beyond their call of duty and make it quite difficult. Others...a shrug and and a stamp.
Then again, where else there? China is a no-go. Japan has opened up again but the salary sucks. Taiwan is close to being overrun by their big brother. Thailand is a joke. Cambodia is also a joke...and dusty. Vietnam pays but still is still somewhat of the wild west. The Middle East is just....well, for some but not for many.
Amazon may be hiring somewhere. you said, cash out....and do some online studies on the beach somewhere. Books by day, ***** and beer by night.