After the events at Char, Jim Raynor and his intrepid band of rebels decided to take it easy after rescuing Sarah Kerrigan, the former infamous Queen of Blades, from the clutches of the rapacious Zerg. Intending to take a break for a while, they decided to return to Earth to teach Korean children English...
Edit (7-7-11): Not content to leave well enough alone, I decided to revisit my old StarCraft 2 game and improve it by applying to it all of the things I learned through the other games I've made and toyed with. This is now more like a traditional bomb game and less like a linear set of questions: there are now three sets of 15 questions all in a bomb game-style arrangement (though like before, the students can choose which set of 15 questions to tackle first). The three paths (A, B, and C) can represent different levels of difficulty (e.g. an "easy" "medium" and "hard" set of questions) or specific types of questions (e.g. a set of speaking questions, listening questions, and reading questions). I've also made the text fields for the questions bigger (and made them look more "StarCraft-y"), added more animations, and I've clarified the special items. This file is saved and uploaded as a .pptx.
Okay, tl;dr: in short, this is a very nice Starcraft II - themed game. Kids will love it because when they're not in Hagwons learning English after school they're in the PC Bangs playing Starcraft until 2 am...
Some requisite legalese: thanks to all of the fine people at Blizzard for making this possible. All respective trademarks and copyrighted material are the property of their respective rights holders. And get Starcraft II - it's an awesome game, and you can make the excuse that you're learning more about Korean culture...