This idea is originally from an former co-teacher. I believe she found it online. I have recreated some things and added somethings to match my students needs.
I teach high school, but their level is a bit low so I chose to post here.
I begin with quickly going over the rules for comparatives, and I let them practice. Then comes the game which is the main part of the lesson. Divide the class into two or more teams (I teach small classes of 10 so 2 teams worked well for me). To receive points the students must compare students/groups with a sentence ("Min is older then Sukho.").
Explanation of Slides:
1. compare students' ages
2. ask students to guess the number you are thinking of from 1 to 10
3. have students stand back to back
4. have students arm wrestle
5. let the class vote
6. compare students' ages
7. you need 2 students from each team to play mine field: place 5 pieces of paper on the floor for each team. one student guides another who is blindfolded. Speaking in English only. And only step on the paper.
8. put a previous learned sentence in order (the I my leg when I down stairs broke fell--> I broke my leg when i fell down the stairs.)
9. use entire team. put yourself in birth order using English only
10. complete a word search with words from a previous lesson
11. compare students
12. teacher judges appearance of students' uniform
13. use entire team. each team makes a circle. everyone put your hands out. grab any hand. untangle yourselves without letting go of the hand your holding
14. students compare their hands
15. students taste two types of candy. decide which one is better and you pick the winner
16. need to students from each team for a trust fall.
17. this can be a student from each team or the entire team can answer. riddle (which is not mine i found it online) you are a bus driver in Busan. At your first stop 9 people get on the bus. At your next stop 5 people get on and 3 people get off. At your next stop 1 person gets off and 7 people get on. At your last stop 5 people get off an 8 people get on the bus. How old is the bus driver?
for slides 7-10,13 you can have each team go separately and use a timer. I chose not to for the sake of time. i used this site to make the word search: teach all boys so they really enjoyed this lesson.