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  • Bullit
  • Waygookin

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    • September 21, 2009, 01:19:28 am
    • Seoul, South Korea
High School - Palm Reading
« on: June 27, 2011, 12:40:02 pm »
Hey guys,

This lesson will be an instant success with your students! :o

The lesson is based on Palmistry. The PPT and Worsheet are leveled for three different levels of students. FYI my students are very low level.

Here's the deal:

Part 1: I introduce what Palmistry is. I tell the Ss what the class schedule is as to lower the Affective Filter. I then get into the names of the seven different lines found on the hand. The Students are this point are staring at their hands, talking with their friends and trying to figure out what it means!

Games (FYI use the Big Wheel PPT when doing these games to give more variation to possible points

Spelling Game:
LL Students: team with white board write down the answer.
HL Students: use as a review. individual S raise hand and answer for point/candy

Spelling Race
Teacher shouts a Line name to the teams.
LL Students: Student teams have one student run up and write down 1 or 2 letters of the line name. S runs back and gives the chalk to the next S on their team. First team that finishes gets a point.

Draw the Line
LL/IL Students: Student teams draw a hand on their whiteboards (A4 paper can also work). PPT slide has the Line name, first team to draw the line correctly on their "white board hand" gets a point

Now that we know the line names and where they're located, we need to begin to describe the lines. The PPT is pretty thorough and describes the differences. Have the Ss follow along with their worksheets. Notice #7 is blank, for a reason as it's "hard to see" - when making copies perhaps you can draw it in pencil?

Describing Lines

Il/HL Students: Students practice describing the lines of three principle lines: Life, Head and Heart. Some of the answers can be changed based on your personal description of each line.

Then we get into Telling the Future:
We begin with the Heart Line. Based on what kind of line it is (description), the S will have a different fortune. Some of the terminology my be too difficult, but doable with a Korean English teacher.

Telling the Future Game
-The Ss teams have to write down or say what kind of line it would be. For example in the first slide the Heart Line fore tells heartbreak and independance. What kind of lines are these.

Finally we get into Your Fortune
-In this part the students have to write down on the paper what kind of lines they find on their hand. Then they write in the blank spaces what their fortune will be. A closing piece for discussion could be "is this true, will it come true, what do you think, etc."

P.S. Here are some videos to go with your lesson

Why am I posting this bomb-lesson? KARMA!!!!  :P

  • rcollin1
  • Adventurer

    • 45

    • March 21, 2011, 02:46:25 pm
    • South Korea
Re: Palm Reading / Palmistry Lesson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2011, 12:28:43 pm »
thanks, took it and changed a few things. (:
(palm in next to last slide is my own)

  • aquariemn
  • Adventurer

    • 31

    • November 15, 2010, 08:13:55 am
    • South Korea
Re: Palm Reading / Palmistry Lesson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2011, 10:44:43 am »
Excellent lesson idea! I'm going to use it for the 'after final exams / before vacation' classes.

I think I'm going to extend it into 2 separate lessons to cut down on lesson planning.

Attached: Another version of the power point (combining both from before) and a simple worksheet for the kids to fill out before doing it themselves.

  • aodell
  • Waygookin

    • 12

    • October 08, 2010, 09:51:36 am
    • 80021
Palm Reading Powerpoint
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2011, 10:13:34 am »
I have been doing this lesson for three years now. I got really tired of drawing everything on the board every single time. So I made it into a simple to follow powerpoint. I found even lower level students got it fairly easily. You might not have time to finish the whole lesson in 50 minutes.

I had the students paired up, and write down each other's futures. What they should write down is included in the powerpoint. Very easy to follow (I hope).

********UPDATE********* The formatting wasn't transferring very well so re uploaded the file in PPT. I downloaded it myself and it seemed to have worked. Let me know if it doesn't!
« Last Edit: July 08, 2011, 01:03:51 pm by aodell »

  • dwebsterlfc
  • Veteran

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    • September 15, 2010, 10:24:21 am
    • Incheon, Korea
Re: Palm Reading Powerpoint
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2011, 08:23:44 am »
Any chance this can be put into a ppt file? Thanks

  • aodell
  • Waygookin

    • 12

    • October 08, 2010, 09:51:36 am
    • 80021
Re: Palm Reading Powerpoint
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2011, 02:19:39 pm »
Oh sorry about that! I do all my work in open office because it's in English not Korean.

But here it is, in PPT.

  • cspauld
  • Waygookin

    • 13

    • March 02, 2010, 09:17:21 am
    • south korea
Re: Palm Reading Powerpoint
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2011, 11:36:58 am »
I downloaded your ppt and the image is not there, just the line. Could you upload the hand image you used?


Re: High School - Palm Reading
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2013, 12:12:27 pm »
So I did this as a two part class.

Class 1 - Grammar Practice
At the beginning of the first class, I explained that today's class was about grammar (to a chorus of moans) but that the class after it (the following week) was going to be much more fun. I told them that in order to do the fun palm reading class without having to rush through it, we had to do the 'boring, grammar part now' - this seemed to perk them up a little lol.

The first class we learned and practised using the future tense with "going to".
First I wrote up the tense on the board (subject + verb 'to be' + going to + verb) and explained that the verb doesn't change - no -s, -ed or -ing etc.
Secondly, I asked a student to read the text "My plans for tonight" and then we did the questions together. The second paragraph "Julie's plans for the weekend" I read, and they did the questions in pairs, and then I went through them.
Thirdly, we did a gap fill exercise where they had to choose the correct verb for the sentence. I gave them a reward point if they read the whole sentence out loud. For the final activity, I explained that the future tense can be used to predict what happens next as well as talking about future plans, which was what we would be doing in the next class - predicting our future via palm reading.
The final activity, they had to match the sentence (1,2,3 etc) with the correct action (a,b,c etc) and then underneath make the action into a full sentence.
With the few remaining minutes, we played the penalty shootout game for reward points (I used David Beckham vs Wayne Rooney). You can split the class in to two teams, but I found just having them raise their hand and shout out worked better.

This class went well with all my classes, even with my lower level and rowdy all boys classes I managed to get them to pay attention and do the work. I think this was because I told them they could win plus points (our school's reward system; candy would also work if your school doesn't have one) and that there was a game at the end.

Class 2 - Palm Reading

For this class I revamped a PPT from this thread.

First we talked about where the palm is, what palm reading was, and which hand they could use. Working in pairs/small groups was good here. For ease, you could have them read each others palm, instead of their own!?

First we looked at all of the lines and what they represented. The students had to fill in their worksheet as we talked. Try to move the class along quickly here as it's easy to lose time at the end of the class which is more important/interesting. It's also a good idea to have them draw over the lines on their hand so they can see them - you may have to help them, so I'd advise going through the PPT before the class. There are two quick games (word scramble and line drawing) in between that you can do for rewards. If you find you're running short on time, skip the line drawing game. I printed and laminated the hand, so I could use it again and again.
Secondly, we looked at the types of lines: long, short, straight, curved etc. Number 7 is the faint line (as you can't see it lol) and number 4 is the straight line (because 1 is the long one).
Thirdly, we skipped straight to Activity E, as if you do Activity D first, the students choose the line they want to have, so that they get a nice prediction. For example, they might not say that they have a forked heart line, as they don't want to experience heartache in the future, so instead they say they have a straight one. So we described our own lines first (again you may need to help them with this), and then I told them what the lines mean.
Fourthly, we went through the meaning of the lines and the students had to fill in the missing info on their grid. I put some of them in there to save time, as I thought I may not have enough time otherwise.
The final activity I gave them as an additional activity in their own time for reward points (mainly because I ran out of time, but also my students like to earn points so it was kind of an optional assignment for extra practice). If you want to include this in your class time, I would suggest perhaps cutting out one or both of the earlier games. In the final activity, the students had to put into sentences, using the future tense with "going to", what their palm told them about their future.

You should be able to follow the PPT worksheet easy enough just by reading/going through it. You don't have to use class 1 to be able to do class 2, but some kind of preliminary work is advisable, as otherwise they aren't really learning any usable grammar rules, it's just a load of vocabulary.

I hope you like it, and it is as successful for you as it was for me! My students loved it!