I had the same issue, although I have 6th grade. I think these ideas could be easily adapted to middle 1 and 2. Here's some things I did:
musical genres, play videos, teach some descriptive vocab, they write down opinions then survey each other (2 classes)
the optical illusions I found on Waygook.
The Pixar idea above
Food: review food terms, how to order roleplay, make a menu project
Shopping: More in-depth review of shopping terms, roleplay, bargain game, clerk/customer game
What Happened Next?: Students learn concepts related to What happened next?, creative writing project
All Free-talking class: free-talking using I would (If I won a million dollars, I would
/ If I had three wishes, I would wish for
/ If I was Principal for a day, I would), review game
Common Mistakes: introduce most common English mistakes, games to review these points, free-talking
Lets go to the movies: Movie poster project and presentation (reviews shopping, directions, creative writing).
Sports Day: Students learn game rules and vocabulary, Ultimate Frisbee, freeze tag
(not good for weather now, but in a few months...)