I've had great success doing something like this in the past. However, it requires a lot of attention from the teacher - with disinterested students especially.
Please find attached a short (4-6 minute) play.
Feel free to make alterations.
I've allocated three lessons to this project.
First Lesson:
Sort the learners into mixed teams of six.
Hand out the script and explain their task.
Ask for the 6 best speakers (3 boys and 3 girls) to stand up.
Assign them parts in the play.
They will read it to the class.
Afterwards, review any difficult language.
Lesson 2:
Put emphasis on memorising the words and actually ACTING.
Guide the groups as much as necessary.
Lesson 3:
Quick rehearsal before hand if necessary.
Let me know if you decide to do this, and how it works/doesn't work for you.
Good luck!