This was a really good review/summary lesson of a few different topics my special needs class had covered early in the month.
Title of Lesson Lets Review!
Topic Reviewing Introductions, counting, asking for things
Objectives To reiterate and practice what we have learned thus far in the class
Materials Paper, Chalkboard, Pens
Hook Game
Vocabulary for Lesson Food, Store dialogue
Guided Practice Simulation of store dialogue and many
Lesson Plan Outline
Intro/Hook We always start class by saying, Hello, my name is____ Play Bingo with the numbers. We played it last week, so this could be a good way to warm up their brains for English class.
Lesson 1. Reiterate how to introduce yourself and greet someone.
a. Hello. How are you? I am
i. Have them introduce themselves again.
ii. Have them introduce their neighbor.
1. My name is
2. Her name is
3. His name is
4. It is nice to see you.
b. We then play hangman with peoples names.
2. Practice numbers and asking for things.
i. How many
ii. Practice vocabulary from last time and asking for things. Activity: at the store and you have to buy something.
iii. To begin this store activity, I will first have the students list some of their favorite foods and things they like.
iv. With the help of the coteacher in the room, I will then write the name for these foods and items in Korean and in English, and ask the student draw an image of the food on the board for the class to look at. Everyone will get a chance to draw something on the board.
v. I will then hand out black pieces of paper, like that from my flash cards from a previous lesson, and each student will take the time to draw their own product they will the sell.
When the students are finished drawing their food, then we will play the game that simulates a situation where one person is buying from the vendor. The basic dialogue goes as follows
Three apples please.
Here you go.
Thank you.
You are welcome
Guided Practice (15 minutes) Lets go shopping! Students will take turns standing in front of their desks selling items and buying them. First they must introduce themselves. Then the customer says
three apples please. Then the clerk says, here you go, and hands him/her the card with the number 3 and another card with the picture of the apples on it. The customer then says thank you. The clerk says youre welcome. They can then practice this dialogue for a bit one by one to gain confidence in speaking and to learn the numbers and product names.
Conclusion/check for understanding (5 minutes) I should be able to gauge the students understanding of the material based on the conversations they are having with each other.