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Author Topic: (천재교육 Cheonjae/Frances Sohn) Grade 3, Lesson 12 - "I Can Swim"  (Read 7509 times)

Offline Nelene

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This is for Lesson 12 Can you swim. The book with the globe on and the kids running on it.
Its a simple intro PPT.

PS I dont know how to place it by the correct place
« Last Edit: November 22, 2012, 11:13:39 AM by taeyang »

Offline JD

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Re: Grade 3, Lesson 12 - I Can Swim (Frances Sohn)
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2011, 05:22:04 PM »
Some stuff stolen from other books and modified. The kids really like the elephant song.


« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 05:23:40 PM by JD »

Offline awise923

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Grade 3, Lesson 12: I can Swim (Frances Sohn)
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2011, 02:06:07 PM »
I just human bingo with different things that they can or can't do.  I used some examples from the book, as well as a few things I knew they couldn't do... such as "lick my elbow" and "fly an airplane."  I included a few goofy ones, such as "do the hokie pokie" and "dougie" as well.  And just for fun, I showed them the following clip showing them how to Dougie.

I know, not the most educational, but it's only a minute, and it keeps things interesting.

The rules with Human Bingo are as follows:

Each student has the same grid (5 by 5 squares).
Each square has an action written in it.
Students must ask other students "Can you..." and must answer "yes, I can" or "no, I can't"
If the answer is "yes," the student can write that student's name in the appropriate box. 
You can only use that person's name once (I allow them to use one classmate's name more than once because I only have 7 students, but that's up to you).
First person to get 5 in a row wins.
(Or sometimes we'll do it so that everyone keeps going and at the end you ask who has 3 Bingos, who has 2, etc., and the kid/kids with the most win).

Belowis the list of things I included on my sheet (maybe someday I'll do this on the computer, but I just drew it on a blank sheet of paper and made photocopies, so no PDF or word doc. just yet... maybe if I'm feeling ambitious someday I'll attach it).

I can/can't...
-play the piano
-drive a car
-fly an airplane
-lick my elbow
-do the hokie pokie
-eat kimchi
-drink water
-eat a hamburger
-speak Korean
-speak English
-ride a bike
-wash my hands
-clean my room
-do taekwondo
-eat chicken
-play soccer
-play baseball
-throw a ball
-kick a ball


Offline CaramelMac

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Re: Grade 3, Lesson 12 - I Can Swim (Frances Sohn)
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2011, 05:31:06 PM »
For the 2nd Period I showed the attached PPT to the students then played the following two games:

1. The whisper game- two teams of students stand in a line. The front person is stood closest to the board and has a hammer and the words 'fly/crawl/jump/run/swim and swing' are written on the board. You show an animal card from the PPT (e.g- angry bird) to the students at the back of the line and then they have to whisper 'I can fly' and pass this on to the front of the line. then the student a the front has to hit the word 'fly'. The first team to do so is the winner!

2. Using the same materials as above (animal cards made from PPT) you can play a guessing game. Ask for 6 volunteers to come to the front and give them an animal card each. Then the other students in the class have to ask the students questions to find out which card they have (e.g. Can you swim?). The person who gets it right then switches and is at the front.

Game 1 practices 'I can...' and game 2 practices 'Can you...' and 'Yes I can/No I can't'.

Offline happyBuddha

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Re: Grade 3, Lesson 12 - I Can Swim (Frances Sohn)
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2011, 03:13:36 AM »
The Dream English "What Can You Do" song is a pretty good video as well.

(My afterschool 1st and 2nd graders NEVER get tired I sing and dancing along, my 3rd graders like it to, but the really little ones LOVE it.) :laugh:

Offline luv2teach

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Re: Grade 3, Lesson 12 - I Can Swim Funny JD.
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2011, 03:06:00 PM »
I love the funny content in this ppt. I remember my Ss loved a ppt similar to this one last year.
I'm attaching the 'Mystery Box' I can/can't __. My C.T. had this on a different topic for the 5 graders. I copied some pics from an old ppt to make this ppt.

Divide into at least 2 teams. They have to decide if they want to keep or not keep the mystery box prize, before you click the picture on the screen. There are some funny pictures included in this ppt. There are some instructions in the ppt. After the answer, the points or minus puts from the mystery box will pop up at the end of that slide.

Hope some of you can use it!

Offline emberry

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Re: Grade 3, Lesson 12 - I Can Swim (Frances Sohn)
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2011, 12:58:11 AM »
This is a little advance for them, but I thought I might show them the Peter Pan song, "You can fly"

Offline pbfconnor

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GRADE 3 - Lesson 12 - I can swim (Yellow Book with Blue Globe)
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2011, 06:18:47 PM »
Two power points for introducing / explaining the grammar structures in this unit.

Part 1 - Focuses on 'I can .....'   / 'i cant .......'  grammar structures

Part 2 -  Focuses on the question / answer grammar structure - 'Can you ..... ?' / Yes, I can. / No, I cant

Two games:

1) Chase the Vocab - Made by another user .... I have simply added pictures relevant to this topic.
Kids love this game.

I play giving them two points for correctly remembering where the pictures are and minus one point for incorrect guesses.
I make them use the relevant grammar at all times.

2) What Am I - Idea taken from a post on Waygook somewhere .... adapted to this lesson with power point pictures.

All the students face away from the computer screen / projector .... except one student who can see the animal. The other students on their team must ask questions to work out what the animal is

Can you .......?

the person at the front 'becomes' that animal and must answer with only 'yes i can' or no 'i cant'...

points for speed of guessing the animal correctly? minus points for guessing incorrectly.


« Last Edit: December 10, 2011, 12:56:40 AM by complex303 »

Offline jj7572

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Grade 3, Lesson 12 - I Can Swim
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2011, 05:33:38 PM »

Offline anneroyster

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Re: Grade 3, Lesson 12 - I Can Swim Funny JD.
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2011, 02:50:29 PM »
I love the funny content in this ppt. I remember my Ss loved a ppt similar to this one last year.
I'm attaching the 'Mystery Box' I can/can't __. My C.T. had this on a different topic for the 5 graders. I copied some pics from an old ppt to make this ppt.

Divide into at least 2 teams. They have to decide if they want to keep or not keep the mystery box prize, before you click the picture on the screen. There are some funny pictures included in this ppt. There are some instructions in the ppt. After the answer, the points or minus puts from the mystery box will pop up at the end of that slide.

Hope some of you can use it!

I tried this out, and unfortunately, it would have worked a lot better for the 4th graders' "Let's play soccer" lesson - it covered their vocab perfectly.  It was, however, a bit too advanced for my third graders, so I've modified it to better fit their vocab.  I liked the mystery box core idea, but my teacher thought it was too advanced for this grade level, so I had to take it out too... making it... a Bomb game (always a goodie)!.  lol  Thanks, Luv for the work you put in.

Offline marty

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Re: Grade 3, Lesson 12 - I Can Swim (Frances Sohn)
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2011, 09:42:48 AM »
Here is a simple skit to help practice "What can you do?"  "I can____"

Offline prycey

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Re: Grade 3, Lesson 12 - I Can Swim (Frances Sohn)
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2012, 04:23:57 PM »
made a quick 'give me 4 game' using the sentences can/can't

i did 4 and not 5 cos i will be using teams of 4 so they can all say a sentence

Offline cbs

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Re: Grade 3, Lesson 12 - I Can Swim (Frances Sohn)
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2012, 02:40:57 PM »
JD posted the link to "Can you clap" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkv4mmfG7lk&feature=youtu.be. I found it useful to start the lesson with this song as its final line is "now it's time for you to settle down. I then ended the lesson with "Can you jump?" that has the final line "now it's time for you to stop". Both songs are easy to sing along to and use the expressions, "Can you..." and "Yes, I can".

Offline yfb

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Re: Grade 3, Lesson 12 - I Can Swim (Frances Sohn)
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2012, 03:29:05 PM »
This is a sweet song about "Can you" and ridiculous objects. Pause the video after each question and ask the students if you can do that.

Offline prycey

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Re: Grade 3, Lesson 12 - I Can Swim (Frances Sohn)
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2012, 01:23:48 PM »
quick game I made

play in pairs

each person starts at a different end

they have to say the sentence in each box using the sentence 'can you...?' (e.g. can you swim? can you run? can you jump?

it's a race to get to the other side

when they meet in the middle, they have to rock, paper, scissors

the loser has to go back to the start

repeat until winner

Offline google jockey

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Re: Grade 3, Lesson 12 - I Can Swim (Frances Sohn)
« Reply #15 on: October 22, 2012, 02:43:10 AM »
Here's a Prezi that focuses on the question "Can You...  ?" and the answers, "Yes I can," and "No, I can't."

For this activity we split them up into two teams and ask them "Can you ___?"  The ones who can stand up and say "Yes, I can."  The ones who can't remain seated and say, "No, I can't."  Whichever team has the most students who can do a particular thing gets the point, and the skills in the Prezi are all the kind of thing that they can demonstrate if requested.  Last year I found that a lot of kids couldn't, for example, raise one eyebrow even though they said they could, and it's fun to see them either succeed or fail at it, anyway :)

I'm going to ask the questions, "Can you <insert action here>?" and the actions are clearly illustrated, so while they might be hearing some new verbs, it shouldn't be an issue. 



1) Most of the videos were intentionally silent.  The two with sound are the one for snapping your fingers and the one for whistling.

2) There's a video for juggling two objects, and another one for juggling three.  I don't know if any of my third graders can juggle -- I'm mostly giving myself an opportunity to show off :)  Some of these items will be more fun if students are required to prove their claims, so it'll be handy if you have some things they could try to juggle even if you're in the "No, I can't" group.  Who knows, they might actually enjoy watching you try even if you can't.

3) When watching a video on the Prezi, if it hasn't finished running yet then one step forward will stop the video, and the next will make the thumbs up / thumbs down / question mark stuff appear to prompt the "Can you ___?" question.

« Last Edit: October 21, 2013, 01:41:25 AM by google jockey »

Offline ToulouseLautrec

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Re: Grade 3, Lesson 12 - I Can Swim
« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2012, 11:45:24 AM »

PPT to complement this video!


Pirates of the Classroom Game
« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 06:22:31 PM by ToulouseLautrec »

Offline pumpkinstuffing

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Re: Grade 3, Lesson 12 - I Can Swim (Frances Sohn)
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2012, 10:24:22 PM »
A quick vocab review and Pokemon PPT game.

Offline BBetz1985

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Re: Grade 3, Lesson 12 - I Can Swim (Frances Sohn)
« Reply #18 on: November 13, 2012, 01:53:47 PM »
Lotto Game...Self Explanatory.

Students pick 3 of the 9 words on each slide and fill in the blanks on their lotto paper. The slides reveal the winning words for each round.

Not my template, just filled in the blanks.

Cheers to the original poster...although I am unsure who it is.

Offline BBetz1985

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Re: Grade 3, Lesson 12 - I Can Swim (Frances Sohn)
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2012, 09:45:23 AM »
Snail Game.

This template is from someone else. I just adapted it to the script from Expression 2 in the practice worksheet book.


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