In my school, I only do part 2 and 3 of each lesson!
Here is what I did for this one:
For part 2, I played Go Fish with cards that I had in my class - I made it so that there weren't a set number of pairs (I had 30 pairs (60 cards) but only passed out 50 cards, all shuffled) That way the game lasted longer. Also, to make it harder, I made them have to have 2 pairs before they could win.
The top 3 winners got a prize, I just wrote their names on the board, switched a few of their cards, and let them keep playing while the slower kids caught up. They were all happy just to get pairs!
Obviously, I made them use the key expressions, and I just walked around and helped initiate some.
For part 3, I used this PPT, and played Bingo with them - it takes about 25 minutes to get a couple good games in, with enough time for them to write their own words. In the Bingo PPT, I forgot the letter T for my word list, so you might want to change it.
*The first slides of part 3 have the arrows - its to remind the kids that when you point up, they say the letter, point down, they say the phonetic sound, and point in the middle for the word. I have fun with that because I like to do them out of order and trick the kids. They usually like it, and it helps them remember the sounds.
*The main PPT has a fill in the blank portion that I use for backup, where I have the key letters on the board, the picture comes up, and 1 kid from each team has to run and slap the letter on the board. When I point to them, they have to say the phonetic sound, as well as the word.