I did this lesson today and I thought it went really well. The stories were very disjointed, but there was still a lot of English usage and participation was extremely high. My coteacher thought it was a great idea for a writing class. Some thoughts:
- Instead of giving students a new "word" card each round, you can have them use the same word. It saves time, and also helps them practice the same word over and over.
- The "sign pens" are definitely a good idea. It makes the writing look prettier, and each team identifies with their color.
- Give the students a target number of sentences to write. I chose 4-5. It gives the low level kids something to strive for, and prevents the advanced kids from writing mini-novels.
- The Korean co-teacher should be the one to read the stories at the end of class, because lots of translating from Konglish will be required.
Overall, a good lesson and dead simple to plan for.