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Author Topic: 4th Grade Lesson 16 - Did You Have a Good Weekend  (Read 3525 times)


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4th Grade Lesson 16 - Did You Have a Good Weekend
« on: November 24, 2010, 01:20:29 pm »
The 4th grade textbooks this year have been OK.  Lesson 15 had a big jump in the amount and level of English to teach, but Lesson 16 seems unreasonable.  I'd like to ask some of you other teachers how you are or plan on approaching this chapter.

I have around 16 sentences that the students need to learn to understand this chapter, or around 12 considering some of the sentences are similar  ("I went to the ______."  /  "What did you _______?")

I guess the question is to spend more time on less material or spend less time on more material.  What do you think?

Thanks everyone.

Sentences I see that need to be taught for Lesson 16:
Did you have a good weekend?
How was your weekend?
What did you do for your mom?
What did you make?
Did you do your homework?
I played soccer.
I went to the concert.
I went to the movies.
I stayed at home.
I went camping with my family.
I cooked for my mom.
I didn’t do my homework.
Yes I did.
It was great./good./okay./pretty good.
I washed the dishes after dinner.
I did my homework.



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Grade 4 Lesson 16 Did You Have a Good Weekend?
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2010, 01:51:58 pm »
heres what i have so far, the diary ppt is a game


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Re: 4th Grade Lesson 16 - Did You Have a Good Weekend
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2010, 11:49:07 am »
the intro ppt was a little hard for my kids so here is a version with more explanation


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Re: 4th Grade Lesson 16 - Did You Have a Good Weekend
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2010, 02:44:58 pm »
Hi everyone, 

I am using this game with my fourth graders.  I did it for 5th grade's "What did you do yesterday" and my kids loved it.  They love anything when you make it a race!  I wind up giving everyone a sticker so they don't give up and keep using the key phrase.  I made a ppt to go with it and hopefully it is self explanatory.  I hope you like it!

Quick instructions:
Give each kid a slip of paper and have them write what they did this weekend on it.  Tell them to keep it a secret.  They go around asking the other students using the key phrases, I keep the last slide up so they can reference it throughout the activity.  When they find their match they get a sticker and sit down!
« Last Edit: November 30, 2010, 02:47:35 pm by amanda.marvin »


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Re: 4th Grade Lesson 16 - Did You Have a Good Weekend
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2010, 08:27:28 pm »
Here is a VERY simple PPT I made to help review the dialogue connected to the flashcards.

Amy Rodulfo

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ANNOYING ORANGE BOMB GAME Lesson 16 - Did You Have a Good Weekend
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2010, 11:59:50 pm »
Here is bomb game to review or practise lesson 16. It's based on the youtube comedy series, Annoying Orange. Students compete in teams, gaining, losing and swapping points.

Amy Rodulfo

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PASS THE BALL GAME - 4th Grade Lesson 16
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2010, 12:32:55 pm »
Girls Generation Pass the Ball game.

It includes slides taken from Sally's intro PPT alternated with music slides (thank you); I then embedded the song "Genie" to make a new game. While the song plays, the students pass the ball. When the music stops, the one holding the ball says what he did on the weekend according to the picture shown on screen.


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Re: 4th Grade Lesson 16 - Did You Have a Good Weekend
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2010, 03:24:13 pm »
Role play and rock paper scissors game documents.


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Re: 4th Grade Lesson 16 - Did You Have a Good Weekend
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2010, 02:19:55 pm »
A simple worksheet.  I designed it with the text ridiculously big so I could print 2 per page. 

When you click "print," a window should pop up with printer options.  There should be a drop-down menu near the bottom right-hand corner of the print window that says "1 페이지."  Change it to 2 and you're good.



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Re: 4th Grade Lesson 16 - Did You Have a Good Weekend
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2010, 02:32:06 pm »
thank you teacher_del  for the worksheet! =)

here's something my co-teacher got from indischool! hope it helps!


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Re: 4th Grade Lesson 16 - Did You Have a Good Weekend
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2010, 02:41:53 pm »
Ok, so first things first: In my opinion, this unit is unusually difficult.

The book is all over the place and introduces everything at once instead of showing progression (the phonics bit is good though). I feel my students may be overwhelmed.

As such, I've gone through and rearranged bits. My intent is to first focus on the past tense "went to [ ]" and "went [ ing]" constructions using vocab they already know. If that seems like very little to teach, bear in mind thats just the introduction, and the lesson where they first encounter the target expressions too. Adding grammar rules at that point is kinda nuts I feel.

Then I'll move on to the +ed conjugation for past tense, and kinda brush over exceptions (the book basically ignores these too, so that keeps it in line with the syllabus).

What I've chosen to conveniently cut vs focus on is based primarily on the textbook syllabus page (chapter cover page in the Koran guidebook).

My lesson plans are as follows roughly:

A) Look and Listen 1
B) Song (one play through to preview it)
C) Let's Read Part A (I teach every second lesson, so its to ensure the phonics bit is taught by the NT)
D) Song (students can try singing this time, but it'll be fully covered next time.
E) Game (PPT attached, localised to Daejeon, so delete/edit a few slides, heavily adapted from a 5th grade one I grabbed off Waygook, so big thumbs up to whomever made the original)
TL: "Did you have a good weekend?" "I went [ ]"

A) Look and Listen 2
B) Song
C) Let's Read Part B
D) Song
E) Pass the Bomb Game
TL: "Did you have a good weekend?" "How was your weekend?" "It was [ ]" "I went [ ]"

A) Let's Write
B) Song
C) Quick grammar explanation and vocab practice (focus is played [], watched [] and stayed home).
D) Song
E) Game: Treasure hunt (battleships, attached)
TL: "Did you have a good weekend?" "How was your weekend?" "It was [ ]" "I went [ ]" "I [ ]ed"

A) Song
B) Roleplay
C) Song
D) Review
TL: "Did you have a good weekend?" "How was your weekend?" "It was [ ]" "I went [ ]" "I [ ]ed"

Lesson 4 is in 2 weeks and is still up in the air. I'll provide a good Quiz/Baam game PPT or the like if I see one, as thats a lesson I'm not teaching personally. Feel free to nick any of my ideas or if you have any suggestions or constructive criticism, I'd love it.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2010, 03:41:39 pm by Paul »


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Re: 4th Grade Lesson 16 - Did You Have a Good Weekend
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2010, 03:08:32 pm »
the intro ppt was a little hard for my kids so here is a version with more explanation

Thanks for the PPT.
PS. Slide 12 says "I washed the dinners after dinner"


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Re: 4th Grade Lesson 16 - Did You Have a Good Weekend
« Reply #12 on: December 04, 2010, 08:48:16 am »
i agree, there's a lot to cover in this lesson. i'm having a tough time deciding how to approach it too. i think i'm going to cover past tense before i go over the key expressions and vocabulary. anyhow, i made an intro ppt for this lesson, feel free to use it!
« Last Edit: December 04, 2010, 08:54:08 am by plasticglass3s »


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Re: 4th Grade Lesson 16 - Did You Have a Good Weekend
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2010, 01:09:18 pm »
I'm having a hard time with making gestures for the first half of the song.  Does anyone have any good ideas?


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Re: 4th Grade Lesson 16 - Did You Have a Good Weekend
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2010, 01:43:15 pm »
wow I know the songs aren't great, but is this seriously the best they could do! It's so akward!


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Re: 4th Grade Lesson 16 - Did You Have a Good Weekend
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2010, 03:13:52 pm »
wow I know the songs aren't great, but is this seriously the best they could do! It's so akward!

Really? I thought it was pretty good. It's cute, repetitive, covers the 2 main key expressions and two uses of go in the past tense, separated into distinct verses. Well, OK, the books use of "the concert" in their context is pure Konglish, but aside from that it was far, far superior to the disjointed one in the last chapter at least (winner is still the days and subjects though, my students LOVED that).

Pickle: I dunno, generic right hand wave, left hand wave, outwards wave stuff? Right knee, left knee, right fingers click, left fingers click? Save the thought and ask one of your students to come up with actions. XD

* * *

Anyhow, here are some moderately extensive flashcards to go with my plan above (the one in which I basically ignore all irregulars except "go"/"went") if anyone's following this. Generic off Google stuff, but it does take a little bit of time to size them up y'know. Grab some magnets and it might save you laboriously writing up students' answers (hence why there's more than 8 per set).
« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 03:16:35 pm by Paul »


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Re: 4th Grade Lesson 16 - Did You Have a Good Weekend
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2010, 10:33:24 am »
Here is a mario game, the last one i will ever play with my beloved fourth graders!


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Re: 4th Grade Lesson 16 - Did You Have a Good Weekend
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2010, 01:35:36 pm »
Since the dialogs were so fast this time, a lot of my students have had a hard time keeping up.  I recorded Look and Listen 2 myself (slower, imitating the character voices) and made a PowerPoint file with screenshots from the CD-ROM.  Unfortunately the sound files don't always work when sending to another computer (I think I may have fixed the problem now, but I can't tell) so I will upload all the sound files, too.  They are in short bits, so there are 14.

I'm also including my other materials: a ppt with simple past tense grammar explanation ("what did you do this weekend"), a PowerPoint my teacher used in the last class with pictures from the back of the book ("practice"), drills changing sentences from present to past ("card B"), and a Mario bomb game. 

For motivation I made a video with me and my co-teacher as dancing elves, which you can do here: http://elfyourself.jibjab.com/view/PFsGlF19Fkte8J9rXoMy (thanks to rainesbaines for posting the link here http://waygook.org/index.php/topic,3068.0.html) so I used a screenshot of that video in the Mario game and the grammar explanation with my co-teacher and I asking and answering "Did you have a good weekend?" but I took them out before posting, in case you're wondering about the blank slides.  The kids went nuts for it when they realized we were in the video.  They have several different dances (and jibjab has a lot more).


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Re: 4th Grade Lesson 16 - Did You Have a Good Weekend
« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2010, 01:37:12 pm »
Here are the rest of the sound files, in case the ppt doesn't work.


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Re: 4th Grade Lesson 16 - Did You Have a Good Weekend
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2010, 02:55:30 pm »
Does anyone have any song suggestions?  All of the past tense songs I've found for grade 5 and 6 include vocabulary that the 4th graders don't know, and this lesson is mind-splodey enough as it is. 