I thought I would share this with you guy, as it was a GREAT success for me. I only had 3 students in my Winter Camp this year, and to kill some time I asked them to produce an advert (Not my own idea as I had seen a similar idea at Winter Camp Training). But this took up 3 days. The first day was the planning, the second day the filming (which they did on their own with their smart phones and with one of them as the camera man), and the third day the editting. But this could differ I suppose.
Anyway they were given Carte Blanche to pick anything they wanted to advertise, and this is what they produced:
http://youtu.be/8xWkGPBCTBQ. This is not the best quality ever but to me its a master piece.
It was really an amazing success, loads of laughs, and copious amounts of very intense concentration periods where I was asked to please go away. Hahah.