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Author Topic: (천재교육 Cheonjae) Grade 6, Lesson 4 - "I Have a Headache"  (Read 6493 times)

Offline plaguemonkey

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Material for Lesson 4: I Have a Headache
« Last Edit: November 23, 2012, 09:46:40 PM by taeyang »
If you like my material, you  can check out my games page at,43821.0.html

Offline i_am_a_toaster

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 ;D   If you just started this year perhaps you are not familiar with the national 6th grade textbook in 2011.     Chapter 13 is almost identical to lesson 4 in this book.

Here is the link to a treasure trove of material that only needs to tweaked a little for lesson 4  in the grade 6 Cheonjae book.,947.200.html

This might help you get a head start on lesson material for next week.   ;) 

Offline i_am_a_toaster

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 :P  Just in case anybody is still doing this lesson I'm posting a detailed explanation for the phrase "Why don't you" do in Korean in English. 

As always I tried to make the PPT as entertaining as possible with memes and funny pictures to lighten up the dry learning material from the book.   Good luck.

Offline girlo

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I am doing a superhero theme for my afterschool class and I found this "choose your own adventure" game posted by numberonegood.  It was using "you should" so I modified it slightly to use "why don't you...?" to suit our textbook.  I thought I would repost it here for easier access.

I haven't done it yet, but I think it looks pretty fun.

Offline K

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Here's a great team game.

Divide the students into two teams. (We did girls and boys)
Have them make two lines.
Place you and your co-teacher a fair distance from the two lines.
When you say, "Go!" one student from each team runs up to you/ your co.
You show them a symptom (i.e. touch your head/ stomach/ tooth/ leg/ throat and say ouch!)
The student has to respond with a sentence (i.e. I have a toothache/ broken leg/ sore throat, etc)
Then they run back, tag the next person in line, and sit down.
The game continues until all students have taken a turn.
The first team sitting wins.

We took advantage of the great weather and played it outside. It worked really well. You can also make modifications for your students' levels. For example, if I saw a higher level student coming, I would feign a fever or something more difficult. If I saw a lower level student, I would stick to headache/ earache and help them with the sentence.

Offline jollyjeju

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Hidden Picture ppt.; good for intro reviewing or game at the end of class...

Offline bjung

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I do this for every lessons with my 5th and 6th graders...
list out the vocabularies for each chapter, and make them find the definitions of each word using a dictionary.
There are a couple of reasons for doing this...1) I believe getting used to dictionary itself would become a good habit,
and 2) by using dictionaries, they will know other meanings and 3) get to read more example sentences using the word.
(Btw, My school uses the Yonsei Primary English-Korean dictionary.)

The example sentences I have on the sheet are the sentences directly from the Cheonjae CD rom.
And the page numbers refer to the pages of each word in the Yonsei Primary Eng-Kor dictionary.

Offline theluckytourist

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I modified a Lucky Wheel game that was used for the national 6th grade textbook  - Chapter 13, That's Too Bad.
I added some key expressions that were used in this chapter.

For The World & Me section I showed the kids a short youtube clip.

I wanted to use the first minute and a half of the first clip

but my co-teacher preferred this clip

Offline jollyjeju

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Borrowed this from another book with a similar unit; changed a few things in it to make it fit this unit's vocabulary and phrases. 

Offline megankodell

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Re: Grade 6 Lesson 4: I Have a Headache
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2012, 12:19:31 PM »
I split the class into groups of 7 and each group had to advise what to do ie I have  a headache, you should get some rest and the group would score one point. Team with the most points wins.

Offline AndyT910

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I have this song that I'm using for this lesson.  Got it last year, not completely sure where, but it's pretty awesome.  Doesn't match the lesson perfectly, however it's close enough and the students really enjoy it.

Offline Dafinder

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I've used this youtube vid with my class. Its from the big bang theory and I ask my students what kinds of symptoms he has. I try to elicit from them "Sore throat, Headache, Fever, Runny Nose" and "He has a cold".

Offline Lolin

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Offline natty

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I played Simon Says for this topic and it went down extremely well (as Simon Says always does!).
It also incorporates all the key phrases for this topic.

Everybody walks around the room.
There are 6 instructions for this game:
Run left
Run right
sit down
stand up
get into groups of ____ .
And for the purpose of this topic: Students must answer in a full sentence when asked the question: What's the problem?

When you have practiced those instructions a couple of times, introduce the next stage.
Instead of Simon says SIT DOWN, ask the children what they do when they are tired. Usually they reply go to bed!
So, when Simon (the teacher) says: I'M TIRED
Students will: sit down

When Simon (teacher) says: I HAVE A TEMPERATURE!
Students stand up and shout "Whooooop!" as they do.
Ask them what happens to the temperature on the thermometer when they have a fever and they will make that noise anyway!

Get into groups of ____ . Becomes: GO TO THE DOCTOR'S IN GROUPS OF ____ .
Students then shout: DOCTOR DOCTOR I'M SICK!

Instead of "run to the right" Simon Says: I HAVE A COLD!
Students then run to the right and reply: GET SOME REST!

Instead of "run to the left" Simon Says: I HAVE A HEADACHE!
Students then run to the left and reply: DRINK LOTS OF WATER!

Finally, when you ask individuals "What's the problem?"
Students must answer in a full sentence, such as:
I have a sore throat.
I have a stomachache... etc.

Those that are too slow or should be "out" for any reason you deem necessary should sit out.
Teacher should decided how many winners there should be and play accordingly.

Offline ilse444

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I  did this for open class. two activities
I started off the lesson with Mr Bean CPR
. (man fainting on the street and using car-jumpers. i shorten the vid to 1min.30s)

first activity listen to jazz chant. I cut every second line . students had to put it in order
in total i had 11 strips.

second activity- spoon game
made cards. 4 cards for 4 players. each player gets one card. divide students into a team. each team has 4 members with 3 spoons. they have to say the dialogue on the card. then teacher says stop and students grab a spoon. the student with no spoon gets a sticker. His/her teammates have to give them a sticker. (place sticker on student face).
next, instead of students saying the same key sentence, when they finish saying key sentence, let them pass the card to the next player. So every time students will have a different card and a new key sentence to say. Then say stop and students grab a spoon.
they really enjoyed this game,. this lesson was extremely boring for me ! (oops- this game makes it exciting).

ps cards  -   use a korean celebrity with the key sentence at the bottom.
examples of the key sentences is in the spoon PPT.

Offline ilse444

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here are the cards.
you can make another set of 4cards - see ppt

Offline bjung

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I made a dizzy words ppt file with a template found from another bulletin board from

The game covers pages 56~59 of the textbook (the song, grammar point, and reading).

It'll provide a good review on the key phrases of the lesson, and it's fun!
« Last Edit: May 11, 2012, 12:14:01 PM by bjung »

Offline imasae11

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Here is a Yugi-oh Bomb Game created by Kyle Ludeke.  I do not know if these questions will be easy for your class so please review the game and change questions if needed.  Besides that I just wanted to upload a new game for students to play at the end of class.

Also included a review/introduction ppt. to describe and how to change up "Why don't you _____?"

« Last Edit: May 18, 2012, 11:27:09 AM by imasae11 »

Offline imasae11

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here are the cards.
you can make another set of 4cards - see ppt

I really liked this idea.  I actually modified the game and instead of spoons I used pens. Nonetheless, my 6th graders loved it.  I will also be using this idea in my open class for 5th grade.  I do not know how it will go but I hope it will be a success.  :D

Offline Currymarie

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Lesson 1-4 Review: Mario Bomb Game
« Reply #19 on: May 21, 2012, 05:24:40 PM »
Hey all
Here's a simple Mario Bomb Game, to review lessons 1-4. There was no end of lesson review section, so I thought I'd just post it here. Hope it's helpful to some of you :)


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