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Author Topic: (천재교육 Cheonjae) Grade 6, Lesson 5 - "I'm Taller than You"  (Read 19993 times)

Offline plaguemonkey

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Material for Lesson 5: I'm Taller than You
« Last Edit: November 23, 2012, 07:46:27 PM by taeyang »
If you like my material, you  can check out my games page at,43821.0.html

Offline i_am_a_toaster

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 :)   I had the day off!  No classes so I put together some PowerPoint for next weeks new lesson.   

Offline K

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Offline shameem.razak

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I am planning on playing a sentence chain game with my classes. Students will work in pairs and I will give them a starter sentence e.g. The mouse is smaller than the elephant. The first pair has to use the mouse in their sentence e.g. The mouse is slower than the cheetah and we will snake around the room.
To help weaker students I will have some pictures they can get ideas from..

Offline sweetlites

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Last year lesson 10 is basically the same,925

Offline kirijae

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Lesson 5 ppts I made.

Offline walker

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Typographical based animation/video for the Daft Punk song, 'Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger'.

Lyrics attached.

Offline MarketZero

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Annie Get your Gun -- I can do anything better than you

An elephant is bigger than a Flea

Offline MKryluk

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Two-sided worksheet for this lesson. You could use it at any time during the unit, but it probably works better later on. Should eat up around 10-15 minutes, depending on the level of your students. This is the answer key, just insert the blanks and save as a separate file. (Yes that requires a little labour, I accidentally saved over the blank one).

Offline Quaelyn

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I played this video for my 6th graders last year for the similar lesson, and they loved it. Some of them said they could do it themselves and wanted to try it :) I will definitely be using it again next week when I start this lesson and hopefully this year's students will like it just as much.

Offline sweetlites

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i used these slides for yesterday & today's classes, although you could use them all in one class since they don't take too long.
And the sonic bomb game

Offline Kat_teacher

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I used this for an introduction PPT that covers the vocabulary and key expression from the textbook, and extra comparative words. For some words like "than, someday, and need", my co-teacher would explain to the students in Korean. Some of the slides are taken from other ppts from this site.

Offline hollys56

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Team Game
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2012, 01:25:21 PM »
It's my very first post!  This is a team game I made based on a logic puzzle website.  I simplfied the questions a bit and made point values for each question and I think it turned out pretty well.  I'm using it tomorrow, so I guess I'll see!

Offline briane.owens

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I'm starting this lesson next week; it'll actually be my first time teaching the classes.  Love the game holly, was gonna make something like it myself

Offline MKryluk

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Good listening activity for later on in this lesson. The first page goes with this song: , with the students filling in the blanks. The second page is a dialogue between myself and my co-teacher--you'll have to make a few small changes so that it applies to you personally (it's best if you're Canadian as much of it pertains to Canada, though this is also easily replaced). Students listen and circle the correct word from the dialogue. Answer key is also attached.

Offline Dafinder

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Great idea for a finisher. I really like it and I plan on using it in class. Have you used it? Some of them are very hard, did your students have trouble with any of them?

Offline jumpingjustyna

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I'm taller than you- Focusing on the key expressions from Story A and B and Listen and Speak 1 and 2.

Check it out -good resources
ESL Activity Ideas

Offline imasae11

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Here is a Pokemon Review Game for this chapter.  I used Kyle Ludeke's template of course.

Intro for this chapter.  I modified some other's ppt to suit my class. 
« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 09:27:39 PM by imasae11 »

Offline jenglish

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1&2) Dialog with game.  Scanned images.

Have 2 students come to the front and duel each other on comparatives.  E.g.  I'm stronger than you - students have a pose off.  I'm crazier than you - crazy face and voice.  Worked pretty well.

3) Fun dialog with Comparative Olympics.

Team game where a student from 2 teams comes to the front to compete in various contests including:

-pencil weightlifting (stronger/weaker)
-blinking (faster)
-tongue wagging (faster)
-grandma/grandpa with cane (older)
-open mouth (bigger)
-tongue to nose (longer)
-weird face/sound (crazier)
-baby voice/pretend thumb suck/crying (younger)
-hhhheeeellllooooo (slower)

Offline Kat_teacher

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I used this for "In your own words" on page 76. This is an activity for pairs. You can have a volunteer from the class come up and compare yourself with the student to show the class how to do each task. I think it's best if you do each task together as a class. For example, with task one, show the students how to do the task (with your volunteer) and then tell them to all do the task. Wait until they finish to go on to task 2 (showing all examples and then letting the class do each on their own makes things a bit crazy,so doing each task together with the class -one task at a time- makes it easier for control). I also have a worksheet where they write their name and their partner's name in the correct part of the sentence "Jemin" is taller than "Jisu".

For the 7th task, have each pair come up to the front of class one at a time and give each student in the pair a post it note. Get them to jump and stick the note to the wall. See which student can "jump higher" this way. You can even have the class say "___ can jump higher than ___" for this task. For the 6th task, it's easiest if you can provide each pair with a dice.