I have a large class of about 36 students with varied English abilities, and I thought this game would be perfect for them. It doesn't require much technology, and it makes sure that every student practices reading, writing, listening and speaking.
Step 1. Divide class into groups of six.
Step 2, Hand out one page to each group. Each page will have the beginning sentence of a story (i.e. "Once upon a time, there were two dragons in Pohang") at the top of the page.
Step 3. Pre-teach the vocabulary they do not know (i.e. dragons) using pictures/miming. Write an example on the board of what kind of sentences the students should use (i.e. "The dragons liked going to the beach").
Step 4. Explain that each student in the group should write one sentence to continue the story. Walk around to answer vocab/grammar questions while students are writing.
Step 5. Have each group present their story to the class. Each student speaks his or her own sentence aloud.
Step 6. Give rewards for the most creative/funniest/etc. story.
I'd appreciate your feedback on this game! Edits/additions are welcome.