Author Topic: Does anyone teach WITHOUT using ppt / the computer  (Read 421 times)

Offline Selah

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Does anyone teach WITHOUT using ppt / the computer
« on: April 23, 2012, 09:41:18 am »
I've been having a great time teaching, and have received a few compliments from some of my coteachers. However, I haven't been using the projector or computer at all in class (I did a powerpoint with pictures and definitions for one REALLY hard lesson I did at the very beginning of the semester. I like using the whiteboard and worksheets because I feel like having students actually writing with pen helps them remember. Also, it gets them up out of their seats (I'm teaching middle school) and makes them less self-conscious when they write a mistake on the board and we fix it as a group without embarassing anyone.
However, I'm aware that in this day and age, using technology in the classroom makes sense, both as a teaching tool and as an example to my students.
Any thoughts?
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Offline fishead

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Re: Does anyone teach WITHOUT using ppt / the computer
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2012, 10:04:29 am »
 When I first came to Korea there was no power point. Most people used wordgames the Heinamen books were extremely popular. I don't think we were really that effective in the early days of Epik back in the days of the eleven month contracts for all public school jobs.

Offline dgarms

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Re: Does anyone teach WITHOUT using ppt / the computer
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2012, 10:27:35 am »
I do love using the computer but have had co teachers not like me using it and want me to use my voice more or there was not computer or projector available.

Offline rach229

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Re: Does anyone teach WITHOUT using ppt / the computer
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2012, 10:29:52 am »
I don't use any technology in my classes but that is also because I work at a school for the blind and low-vision. Everything I do is worksheet or text files put onto their Braille machines! I would love to be able to use ppts and technology in class though. Back in the US I had a SMART Board in my classroom and my students would jump at the chance to do anything on it. In my hometown, every classroom had one. I understand the hesitation though and where you are coming from.

Offline tesoljon

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Re: Does anyone teach WITHOUT using ppt / the computer
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2012, 10:31:59 am »
Do you use a book? Could you elaborate more on your lessons?

I'd like to use less powerpoint in mine, but I'm struggling to get out of the habit.

Offline Selah

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Re: Does anyone teach WITHOUT using ppt / the computer
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2012, 11:48:16 am »
Do you use a book? Could you elaborate more on your lessons?

I'd like to use less powerpoint in mine, but I'm struggling to get out of the habit.

Hey Tesoljon,

I use the Johanna L. Haas text book for 1st and 2nd grades. We do the listen and talk sections and then I have a worksheet where they apply what they've learned. I give them 5-10 minutes to do the worksheet, then I select students to write selections from their worksheets on the board (i.e. if there are 4 questions, I write them on the board and select 4 students to answere one question each) I usually choose students who did something 1. creative yet still correct, or 2. incorrect yet still creative and then ask the class as whole if the answer is correct. Why or why not? Who can tell me how to fix it? etc., etc. We usually do 2 sections like this per class, and then some work in pairs while me (and my CT, if they show up) circulate to answer questions and get some one-on-one speaking time in with the students. Then I choose pairs at random to present what they did to class (this depends on the assignment, usually on the back of the worksheet. Most often a dialogue or skit they made up).

I've only been teaching 5 weeks, though, so I'm still pretty limited in my ideas. We also play games like taboo, simon says, etc, which don't require any technological back-up. Personally, I like not using it. But I'm not sure my CTs agree :(
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Offline Selah

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Re: Does anyone teach WITHOUT using ppt / the computer
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2012, 11:51:46 am »
Of course, using the computer in the class room is harder since I've not been given the DVDrom that goes with the textbook, and was only recently given the audio CDs. I still don't have a teacher's manual and for the last few weeks I didn't have the activities books, either. But the kids seem to love every minute of class anyway!
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Offline Jumpman Jr.

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Re: Does anyone teach WITHOUT using ppt / the computer
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2012, 11:57:26 am »
I use mostly the the good ol' chalk and chalkboard for most of my lessons.
I use the Powerpoint sometimes to explain things in detail that I know they won't understand.
Using the Powerpoint gives your lessons lots of swagger, but it doesn't necessarily result in good teaching.
I'd say always use your judgment. If your using the powerpoint for the sole purpose of simply using it, you can probably get by without it.

Offline chocolatepeony

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Re: Does anyone teach WITHOUT using ppt / the computer
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2012, 09:30:36 am »
I'm trying to use ppt in my lessons because it's expected of me and the students respond to the colorful photos.  There is no color printer in the school and I find black and white a little dull to look at all the time.  That being said, I never used ppt in Canada and learning how to do it in Korean is difficult for me and my presentations sort of all look the same.   Like most students though, they prefer playing games to everything else!

Online jamasian

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Re: Does anyone teach WITHOUT using ppt / the computer
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2012, 03:55:31 pm »
I do sometimes. I think it's much more interactive! (Depending on what you do.) I can act out certain things just fine. Unfortunately my schools haven't jumped on the bandwagon completely. One school seems to be letting it go, so I'm thinking of slowly lessening the ppts, and videos (even the cds). There's so much you can do without technology that I find myself getting bored or counting the minutes in classes  :-\

Offline Grimne_Lothos

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Re: Does anyone teach WITHOUT using ppt / the computer
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2012, 07:38:53 am »
I don't use the computer at all.   Time spent messing with the computer is time I am not interacting with students.  When the students are staring at the projector screen they are not interacting with each other or me.  Obviously with practice I could reduce the amount of time i spend "messing" with the computer but there isn't much incentive.  I havn't found any target language that could be better presented with powerpoint than with mime, realia, flashcards, roleplay etc.   I also have small classes (6-8 students).  If I was stuck with the 30+ classroom sizes that many are faced with then I would probably have to change my style.   Luckily I have some control over which jobs I take so that will never happen.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 07:42:27 am by Grimne_Lothos »

Offline wtoddm

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Re: Does anyone teach WITHOUT using ppt / the computer
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2012, 10:57:42 am »
The computer is great for my location. We still have chalk boards  :P  And writing in a size for all 35 students to see as well as erasing and rewriting the same sentences/notes for each class can really eat into activity time.

I think it's great to give them a worksheet or activity that gets them off their feet. Never underestimate the power of... that game whose name I forgot... um... the one where you put a piece of paper on 4 corners of the room and have groups go around and mark on them.  :P

Anyway, something like that will greatly help them and requires no technology at all.
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Offline Mattaru

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Re: Does anyone teach WITHOUT using ppt / the computer
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2012, 03:36:14 pm »
I had all of my teaching practice without using a projector/ppt combination so this is a new experience for me. I'm trying to vary my methods as much as I can.

Offline musekim

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Re: Does anyone teach WITHOUT using ppt / the computer
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2012, 01:00:44 pm »
i think it depends... if your students prefer visual materials, using ppt & the computer much more effective...
otherwise you can stick to what you've been doing....^^

Offline jaxije

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Re: Does anyone teach WITHOUT using ppt / the computer
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2012, 06:17:05 pm »
I am a little torn on this topic myself because I have been teaching really young children without the PPT's and multimedia stuff, but I found it really difficult.  Yet, when I use PPTs, I get their attention more.  Part of me thinks that it shouldn't be this way in school. Children shouldn't be plugged in to the latest technology all the time because simply reading and worksheets etc worked for me growing up. I loved it in fact.

That being said my school is super high-tech and I think I would get strange looks if I didn't use the technology. i mean instead of a chalkboard, we have a flatscreen TV. So...I will keep thinking on this topic. Maybe ask my co-teachers and read some articles. If I come up with anything enlightening, I will repost.  Good luck!

Offline Selah

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Re: Does anyone teach WITHOUT using ppt / the computer
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2012, 01:47:31 pm »
Thank you everyone for your posts on this subject! I really appreciate the input and I agree with most everbody's opinion that the ppts, movies, etc. aren't necessary every class. They can spice things up or be useful on occaision, but I like the way handing out a piece of chalk to each student gets the kids up off their seats and actively using language in the classroom where everybody can see.
However, one of my coteachers has out-and-out demanded a ppt every single lesson. This is annoying since another coteacher hates them and wants me to teach from the board. Unfortunately, I must teach the same lessons with both coteachers. I'm hoping to wean off the ppts eventually, though, since that coteacher rarely comes to class and the chalkboard enthusiast ALWAYS comes to class :)
Thanks again for the input, everbody, I've really enjoyed reading your thoughts! And, if any of you have a magic recipe for reconciling conflicting instructions, let me know ;)
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Offline vpluong

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Re: Does anyone teach WITHOUT using ppt / the computer
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2012, 11:39:13 pm »
I actually use everything. I constantly switch from blackboard to power point. I also have worksheets as I have them vocally repeat as well as write down the new target phrase. I understand, repetition all the time is boring as hell so I only have them repeat the phrase about 2 or 3 times. I also throw in a simple game at the beginning and end of class. Using the blackboard, I only go into more of the specifics of what I'm showing on the power point. Like much of the Teachers here, I'm assuming that most of us have mixed classes. The more advanced students might get the concept right away, but when I explain it further on the blackboard,  it starts to click for the lower level students.

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Re: Does anyone teach WITHOUT using ppt / the computer
« Reply #17 on: Yesterday at 01:05:35 pm »
I used to... I don't think there's much of a difference between using it and not using it... but for instructions and such it can be helpful to lay out your explanation in advance so that it will be clear. Still, it can be pretty darn annoying searching for images that fit what you're trying to say.

You can always draw things if you need to explain something and in a way they're more engaged because you're actually moving instead of just telling them to look at a motionless screen.

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Offline rookiewaygook

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Re: Does anyone teach WITHOUT using ppt / the computer
« Reply #18 on: Yesterday at 10:05:43 pm »
Students learn differently. Some have photographic memories, other's need to write things down over and over again, and other's learn better through hands on activities.

I always use powerpoint as efficiently as I can (you can easily make target phrases relevant to the students)...but everyone needs to remember to try to make the learning experience better for as many students as possible. Don't make your powerpoint teacher centric, give out practice worksheets, have a fun activity with flash cards/paper balls/portable white boards.

Variation is key.

Offline scotchandderby

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Re: Does anyone teach WITHOUT using ppt / the computer
« Reply #19 on: Today at 08:00:49 am »
Has anyone been enrolled in a Korean class where the teacher used Powerpoint?