Here's my intro PPTs. Every class we run through these quickly as a sort of warm up, to get the students thinking in English and thinking about the topic. I usually spend 10-15minutes on this in the first class and get it perfect and explain meanings/grammar points. Then it's like 2mins at the beginning of each class after that. There's one in English and one in Korean. Unfortunately I am not Korean and this is the extent of my Korean abilities, so there might be a few spelling/grammatical errors. My co-t checked it before we used it in class and the checked copy is on her computer, so you're getting the unchecked version, sorry!! But at least you've been warned!! Get your co-t to check it before your class :)
Ah, also, we played the Korean game 369 (sam-yook-ku) but in English and using ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.). It's easy to explain because they know it already. For anyone who doesn't know, each student says a number, but when it comes time to say '3' or '6' or '9', you have to clap instead. same for '13' or '16' or '19' and if they ever get high enough, '30, 31, 32, etc' all have to be clapped, not said. and '33' '36' and '39' are two claps. It's pretty tough though! Your kids might want some practice time in groups. Encourage them to help each other. Then run it as a competition (whoever gets to the highest number without making an error is the winner). Or just play as a whole class (they all stand up and play, if they make an error, they sit down and they're out. you can change this to 'out for one round' during the first few games because it's pretty tricky :))