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Author Topic: Lesson 5: My Pet, My Friend  (Read 5024 times)

Offline sheila

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Lesson 5: My Pet, My Friend
« on: March 06, 2013, 04:31:15 PM »
This is a thread for any lesson material for Jeong Sa Yeol's Middle School English Grade 1 Lesson 5: My Pet, My Friend.  Please share your contributions here. Be sure to explain exactly what you are posting and please do not post multi-level materials in this thread. Also, any review lessons or materials should be posted in the review section for this grade. Best of luck in your lesson planning!
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Offline Mlatte

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Re: Lesson 5: My Pet, My Friend
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2013, 11:01:29 AM »
A basic PowerPoint "What Kind of Friend Are You" with basic English that the students can find out what kind of friend are they.  The teacher can have their co-teacher translate the English for them.  I also attached the quiz worksheet to accompany the PowerPoint.  Cheers.

Offline Nina_Jean

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Re: Lesson 5: My Pet, My Friend
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2013, 11:25:06 AM »
First post on waygook! I split each chapter into two parts so this ppt focuses specifically on the phrase "what kind of..." There's a ppt here and pub quiz style game. Hope it's of use to someone!

Offline Nina_Jean

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Re: Lesson 5: My Pet, My Friend
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2013, 12:54:27 PM »
Forgot the to include the main ppt in that post, rookie error!

Offline sonya

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Re: Lesson 5: My Pet, My Friend
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2013, 06:05:46 PM »
Lesson 5, part A and B.
Covers textbook listening and speaking.
A disappearing dialogue using textbook targel language.
Minimal pairs activity focusing on can and can't.


Offline Debmm

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Re: Lesson 5: My Pet, My Friend
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2013, 11:44:59 AM »
Lesson 5 A.

Offline sh1nob1

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Re: Lesson 5: My Pet, My Friend
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2013, 12:21:09 PM »
Hey so here is my lesson, it is broken up into 2 parts (so lots of fillers). So I first open up with a whiteboard race, so students make teams of 5 or 6 and each get a whiteboard. I give them 5 mins to write down as many animals as possible (the team with he most gets candy).

I then run through the top 10 weirdest animals. Please keep the woman screaming sound clip in the same folder as the PPT as it is hyper-linked.

I move on to identifying "I want" by using a funny video, link is below and drill it from there. Lastly I move on to focusing on "kind" and drill that. For the end I make students create 2 animals/creatures in their note books (all is in the PPTX). I do recommend writing a list of adjectives on the whiteboard to aid students.


Offline sh1nob1

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Re: Lesson 5: My Pet, My Friend
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2013, 12:24:14 PM »
forgot the video link   ;D

Offline sh1nob1

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Re: Lesson 5: My Pet, My Friend
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2013, 12:49:45 PM »
Ok so here is Part 2/lesson 5-b

If you want you can start/end this lesson (not necessary tho) with the review game by Nina-Jean, which I have slightly changed (awesome one thanks Nina). So I briefly show ppl and their dog counterparts as a funny intro for the young lings. after that I focus on the 2 meanings of "can." I use a video of my friend back home drumming to introduce "can as ability" (link below). From their I use an illustration of superman's powers to further explain ability.

I then use a video of ppl failing and pause after each fail and ask questions like "Can he jump well/good?" to try and elicit "No, he/she/it/they can't..." from there I drill with a few slides.

I move onto can as "permission" next and drill that with some funny pictures. As a ender the students play charades. So give them each a slip of paper and have them right down "Can you.....?" without showing their partners and get them to fold the paper. Collect all pieces and choose a student to go first. The object is for a student to randomly choose a slip of paper out of a box and act it out the action in silence. A student must answer with raising their hand and saying the correct phrase written on the paper eg. "Can you run fast?" If the student answers correctly they come up and choose next...etc.

Again I recommend add in some of your own to make it fun, eg. can you walk like a chicken? or can you dance gangnam style? or can you eat air?

« Last Edit: May 30, 2013, 12:56:13 PM by sh1nob1 »

Offline lauranederhoff

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Re: Lesson 5: My Pet, My Friend
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2013, 12:43:04 PM »
Here is a short quiz I use as a warm up to see what the students know about taking care of animals.  True or False format with lots of cute animal gifs the students really enjoy.

Offline tori_bird

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Re: Lesson 5: My Pet, My Friend
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2014, 03:19:00 PM »
Here is the double-sided worksheet I used for this chapter.

Offline mirokii

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Re: Lesson 5: My Pet, My Friend
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2014, 03:56:48 PM »
Have students stand up in a circle/semi-circle. Have them all repeat the sentences after you. Then explain that it's one person, one word. person one says 'can'. next person says "I" etc etc. have them practice just going through the sentences fast. after that. go to the next slide and demonstrate that some words have symbols that illicit an action. These words with symbols need to be spoken at the same time the action is produced. If the student is too slow or produces the wrong action based on the symbol, then they must sit down. Game variations obviously feasible, but I do last 3 students standing win. Large classes of 30-32, this game can take up to 30 minutes. That's way too long, so make sure your directions are concise and you make students sit down at the slightest mistake. It can be really fun!

Offline mirokii

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Re: Lesson 5: My Pet, My Friend
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2014, 04:04:59 PM »
chicken game can be really fun or really awkward depending on the class you have. some kids will be shy and no one will participate. i make four groups. i have class sized of about 30. i draw random numbers until i have two opposing tables/groups, they play rock paper scissors. winner chooses a number and loser rolls the dice.
a number elicits a "can you" phrase. i realize the chapters expression is focused on help (NOT permission) - so sorry i didn't change the file name, dealing with low level English, this gets the kids speaking.  ive seen many ways to elicit the "sure, no problem" or "i'm sorry, but i can't" - I like using dice. 1,3,5 = sure and 2,4,6 = sorry but i can't. makes it fun by a game of chance. modify to your class and enjoy
« Last Edit: June 23, 2014, 04:22:03 PM by mirokii »

Offline mirokii

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Re: Lesson 5: My Pet, My Friend
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2014, 04:16:58 PM »
So we have here 3 lessons/parts for lesson 5. usually i do two, but had to make a middle filler lesson for a few classes.
First part of the ppt introduces the first key expression "what kind of" and practices this with Speak A.  i used a lot of material from other posters so thanks. the game at the end. make four teams. each team has  marker board. I make them write both question and answer on the marker board. first team to do so gets a point. grammar counts. i make them switch ppl within the group (who is writing) because if one group has a strong person, they will always just keep winning. They really like this simple game.

second part. introduces the beginning of 'the ability to do something' - "he can ______" - turtles  can't swim" etc. they we did Step Up page 90. created our own pets. had to create four sentences with it. fun and really interesting to see what kind of animals they came up with.

part 3 of this ppt focues on "can" with Speak B from the book. at the end, we played the chicken game posted above. modify and enjoy

Offline mirokii

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Re: Lesson 5: My Pet, My Friend
« Reply #14 on: June 30, 2014, 11:43:11 AM »
Lesson 5, part A and B.
Covers textbook listening and speaking.
A disappearing dialogue using textbook targel language.
Minimal pairs activity focusing on can and can't.


Sonya, did you know your Real-life Scene for lesson 5 ppt is absent and contains lesson 4s real-life scene? I only comment because I love using your screenshots from the book in my ppts. anyway, friendly comment. keep up the great work

Offline hilgurl402

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Re: Lesson 5: My Pet, My Friend
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2015, 03:24:38 PM »
Sorry, but mine is going to be pretty long.  I had to split pg 84-87 into tree lessons, so I have a lot of things we did :D
Also, I wanted to thank those above me for sharing what they have.  This was my first lesson to teach and I had no idea what to do.  I borrowed from you guys and I really appreciate the help!!

First lesson:  I had my ss get into small groups and list as many animals as they can in five minutes.  The group with the most animals won candy.  Then I did a ppt intro to the lesson (E1 L5.1).  We did pg 84 &85 in the text, then played a game.  (I actually ran out of time for the game, but we played the game the whole time next class and they loved it!!)

"Can You" Game or as my ss call it "Chair Game"
It is played like never have I ever.  I have my ss circle up with their chairs.  One ss is made to stand in the center and we take his chair out.  I have ppt slid of "can you" sentences and ss in center will respond "Yes,I can" or "no I can't."  If ss sitting would answer the same as ss in center, they stand up and switch chairs.  The person in the center has to steal one of those chairs.  Continue...  My ss loved this game and still ask if we can play the chair game :)

Second Lesson:  I passed out a sentence scramble that was posted on here.  I took off the hidden picture since my kids would only do that and nothing else.. Then we did pg 86.  After that we played a version of Heads Down, Thumbs Up.  I made little slips of paper with phrases like "play the piano," "take a picture of me," and "bring the newspaper."  I gave those to the five ss at front of the room that would pick a ss with their head down.  They put the paper on the desk of who they picked.  Then the one picked will stand up and say the name of who they think picked them and can you (blah).  So, "(Name), can you play the piano?"  If they did pick that person, they say "yes, I can" if not then "no, I can't."

Third Lesson:  I made a coded message ws with phrases from the text.  We read through pg 87, and then I made a Mad Lib with the Real-Life Scene.  I split them into small groups, gave them the word sheet, and then had them fill out the real life scene sheet.  After they all read them outloud.  It was pretty cute. 
« Last Edit: September 14, 2015, 12:33:06 PM by hilgurl402 »

Offline SimonV

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Re: Lesson 5: My Pet, My Friend
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2016, 06:12:44 PM »
Here are my materials for lesson 5. Cheers sh1nob1 for the Pokemon PPT template

Part A – we went through the first few listening parts, then did the unscramble worksheet adatped from Tori_bird above. Then we went straight into the pet / animal themed give me 5 game

Part B – focused on the different forms of ‘Can you…?’ / ‘Can he / she…?’ Then we did charades. I had the students each write down a ‘Can you…?’ sentence on a strip of paper. Then students would randomly draw a paper from a box, and act it out.

Part C – finished off the textbook listening, and we used  Nina_Jeans‘s ‘What kind of’ quiz from above

Offline niamh92smith

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Re: Lesson 5: My Pet, My Friend
« Reply #17 on: June 22, 2016, 11:05:43 PM »
(First slides taken from another poster)

What kind of person are you? Personality test! Students draw a pig on a blank sheet of paper and their drawing reveals their personality (important to highlight that it's just a bit of fun and doesn't matter too much!) I got the original idea here (

Then I have a
'What kind of future will you have?" Mash game
Students draw out the grid and add 4 of each category.
Rules here:

Had students then stand up and present their findings.

Fun lesson :)

Offline Alex Hoy

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Re: Lesson 5: My Pet, My Friend
« Reply #18 on: June 27, 2016, 11:23:38 AM »
Thanks niamh92smith for the idea of the pig personailty test!

 I made a ppt to to explain the findings. I had to ask my co-teacher to translate some of them but my higher level students got it.

Offline Alex Hoy

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Re: Lesson 5: My Pet, My Friend
« Reply #19 on: July 05, 2016, 04:16:09 PM »
Hi guys,
Here is a word lotto game that I used with my lower level class to practise "kinds of..."   It took me about 20 minutes to go through all seven slides (including placing bets and paying out bets). My students really enjoyed it.


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