I'm thinking I'll round this lesson off with a two truths, one lie game. Most are probably familiar with it but if you arent -
In groups of 3-6 (depending on total class size), ask the students to come up with 3 shocking/surprising(?) facts/sentences about themselves or events. 2 of them truths, 1 lie.
Students read out (as a group) there 3 sentences, beginning with "Guess what"
e.g. "Guess what, Min-Gu has 5 dogs"
"Guess what, Pin-Gu's brother is 200cm tall"
"Guess what, Libya is in civil war"
Other groups then decide as a group which they think is the lie. Note down points (Other teams get 1 point for guessing right, the team presenting gets a point for every team that guess wrong.... or whatever)