For convenience, here's the link to the other lesson I've done for this book, Grade 2 Lesson 1: Sports and How Often. Thought it would be good to have on this thread.,4861.0.html
Insert QuoteToying with an idea for my April Fool's Day lesson. Was thinking of bringing decks of cards and having them play BS, except that they would say "oh, really?" if they believed the person, and "you're kidding" if they call the bluff. They wouldn't be practicing a very large array of new vocab, but there would be a lot of talking, like "this is 3 4s." I think they would have a lot of fun with it. What do you guys think? Not enough English bang for the buck?
Here is my powerpoint for Grade 3, Lesson 2 (April Fool's Day Tricks). I teach only girls at a low level school...this explains the amount of Kpop stars in my slideshow. The final slides come from here: anyone adds any other games or activities, please share!
Koreachess,There is no connection...that's just the name of the lesson in their textbook. I put it on there so people can search for it here. I think their reading for the chapter involves April Fool's Day, but that isn't the part I teach.
PK,The game is very simple...each group has to give a "Guess what" sentence. If they do it correctly, they can pick a box for you to clear (just click on the box). It's a good chance for them to practice the words "row" and "column". They get 1 point for a correct sentence, 2 points if they correctly guess the picture under the boxes. My students really liked it.