So the listen and talk part of chapter 9 seems to have 2 language points, 'have you ever..' and 'what would you do if...'. So for the first week, I'm going to focus on the 'have you ever' parts. They are in textbook page 146 A, 147 C, Activities book page 144 A, 145 A, 146 A, 147 A. Then on the back of their dialogue papers, I'll instruct the students to write their names in the center of the paper, then draw five pictures of what they have done, and what they haven't done, but would like to. The PPT describes how to do this, but I'll make my own example paper using the examples from the PPT. I'll provide some markers or colored pencils for the students to make their papers, afterwards, I'll choose a few to stand, introduce themselves and tell the class about their papers.