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Author Topic: Pass the BOMB game template (NOT "Pass the Ball" or a bomb game!)  (Read 5377 times)

Offline ahnh87

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I don't know about anyone else, but I'm tired of the Muppet-themed "Pass the Ball" game. It's fun for awhile but only gets one or two students speaking at a time. So I switched up the rules and made a new game.

Split the class into Teams A and B. On the screen there are two key expressions: one for each team. Whoever has the bomb must say their team's expression BEFORE they pass the bomb to the other team. The team that does not have the bomb when it explodes gets a point. (I set all the dialogue slides to automatically advance so kids don't hold on to the bomb or think Teacher is being unfair  :wink:)

The slides are blank so you can put in your own expressions. Works best in question-and-answer format, and I have it set to switch sides so Team A isn't always asking and Team B isn't always answering.

Even my most lethargic 6th grade classes love this game. Probably because they get to pick who to throw the bomb to and make everyone speak! (Which is the entire point of the game...mwahahaha! 8))

Offline Zeegs

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Re: Pass the BOMB game template (NOT "Pass the Ball" or a bomb game!)
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2013, 05:47:59 PM »
It might be good to add a visual cue for the time remaining. Here's a quick example.

Quality Game templates:
007 Bomb Game, Pokemon Pass the Ball, Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, Family Feud, Hang Man, and more!

Offline ahnh87

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Re: Pass the BOMB game template (NOT "Pass the Ball" or a bomb game!)
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2013, 09:53:34 AM »
I had a version of that made up but what happened was the kids just watched the timer, held on to the ball until the last second, then threw it to the other team when the bomb went off. It became more about getting the other team out than practicing the target language (which I understand because they're kids and it's a game so of course that is going to happen!). But I like the element of surprise here because it keeps things moving. But feel free to change it up for your classes! Variety is always good!

EDIT: Version with timer uploaded.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2013, 04:05:59 PM by ahnh87 »

Offline NanaCorea

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Re: Pass the BOMB game template (NOT "Pass the Ball" or a bomb game!)
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2014, 03:27:35 PM »
A non power point version of this game, for smaller classes.

You need a timer and an object to be the bomb.

Did you know there is a board game called "Pass the Bomb"? I has a bomb shaped timer that ticks and makes an explosion sound. The time is also randomized. I have the adult version of the game (which is about making words with different prefixes and suffixes) and it is much too difficult a game for the students.

However, I found the kids version online and it is all about naming things in categories. So you turn over the card that says "Jungle Animal" and students must say the name of a jungle animal before passing the bomb (obviously not repeating one that was said by someone else). That game costs too much for me to buy and have it shipped here to Korea. So I just made my own set of cards and used the bomb from the bomb game I have at home.

If you have the games Catch Phrase, or Scatergories, those timers are also good for this game. But obviously you will need to pass a different object instead of the timer since these timers are too easy to stop. Catch Phrase has a timer that beeps faster and faster until it stops. The Scatergories timer can be adjusted to be long or short. Otherwise use a timer on your computer, but don't let them see the time ticking away.

Offline Seoulteacher

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Re: Pass the BOMB game template (NOT "Pass the Ball" or a bomb game!)
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2014, 03:40:03 PM »
Great game! Gonna try it out this week and possibly use it for an open class. 8)

Offline drgenderpotato

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Re: Pass the BOMB game template (NOT "Pass the Ball" or a bomb game!)
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2014, 06:05:38 PM »
I love the idea of this game, but with my kids, if I don't severely penalize any fighting or arguing, it is a HUGE disaster! Like, having to separate two fighting kids disaster.

It is a really good idea, though, and thanks for posting it!

Offline slycordinator

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Re: Pass the BOMB game template (NOT "Pass the Ball" or a bomb game!)
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2014, 03:18:15 PM »
I like it, though I think that my students will be more responsive to having the dialog on the board when they need to use it than when they're passing the bomb.

Offline nadinea

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Re: Pass the BOMB game template (NOT "Pass the Ball" or a bomb game!)
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2014, 03:23:29 PM »
I think that this is a cool concept.  I have a few questions.

1.  I want to add a 3rd team (my class is in teams of three and don't like change) would adding a third team block affect the progression of the slides? (did that make sense?)

2.  I have just been looking at this...are the slides progressing for others?  is it just me that they aren't moving on for?

Thanks so much, can't wait to actually use it.


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