I'm trying to find out how to write a lesson plan that will appeal to children without making the administrators thinking I'm just doing one long playtime.
If you've never taught kindergarten aged kids (and younger) then you should not take this job. Working with such small kids is a whole other ballgame. It's not like teaching older kids. One major aspect of teaching "kinder" is the amount of energy and patience it takes from you. If you've never been done it full time, it's very hard to gauge what your limit. In fact, most people burn out and become miserable very quickly. Things can very quickly get out of hand.Take a job teaching older kids. Get some experience with them BEFORE you move into teaching toddler. See what it's like to work with kids. Find out your limits. Then decide if it's something that you think you can do and if it it's something that you would WANT to do.
Sometime I think that you enjoy giving people crap advice just so that you can imagine them going through with it and failing.
They told me they were hiring me to teach English (this is actually an after school program as well) but they said the alphabet was too advanced and I didn't know where to go from there. From what everyone is telling me (both on this site and off) it seems that they do, in fact, teach the alphabet as soon as kindergarten so they don't understand why I was told otherwise.
I've taught 4 year olds (Korean 5yo) that didn't know the alphabet. I've also taught 6 year olds that barely recognized the letters. It's hard to say what you might get.Working with kids and teaching them full time are two completely different things. I would really caution taking the job until you get some full time teaching experience with kids over 10 years old. Don't jump into the deep end until you know for sure that you can swim. Maybe you'll do great but maybe you'll burn out after a few months.
QuoteKindergarten is very tiring. Like I said, I do two 20 minute classes a week (back to back) and preparing for and teaching those classes is the most draining obligation I have all week. I also found kindergarten to be mostly a waste of time. Yeah, I taught some of them their ABCs, and when I got them in first grade, it was easier on a whole. But mostly I was trying to find ways to kill time. Their attetnion span is too short for 40 minutes I was forced to teach them, and me, being tall, intimidated many of them until probably the sixth or seventh month when, if I crouched by them, they'd probably crawl over me. I only had to teach that grade one year, however, and would never look forward to teaching it again.
Kindergarten is very tiring. Like I said, I do two 20 minute classes a week (back to back) and preparing for and teaching those classes is the most draining obligation I have all week.