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Author Topic: What are you supposed to teach Kindergarten?  (Read 9073 times)

Offline catherinelouise

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Re: What are you supposed to teach Kindergarten?
« Reply #20 on: December 05, 2013, 01:39:34 PM »
@Devevius and @Squire
That’s great advice.  Thankyou
I teach at a middle school and to bump up my hours they sent me to a preschool down the road.  It’s been quite an adventure.  I was of to a rocky start it seemed I was watching the seconds go by, a few months later I never have enough time.

I definitely recommend lots of music and songs, a little work on the Alphabet but they are going to do all that in Elementary.  Songs will help them start to create sentences and work on phonics.

These are some video links I have found work great.
it will take time to get them into it, I had to learn not to be upset at the lack of reaction for the first few times.  But STICK through it ;)

Make a few flash cards to help and work on individual lines.  But don’t spend too long, maybe 10 mins then move on to another activity and continue the song next week.

Great weather song you can find flash cards on their linked website.

Head shoulders knees and toes.  The kids enjoy running from the "bull" at the end

Purely for fun and to introduce the kids to numbers,  don't use with the younger kids.  I often just repetitively count to 10 but my older students will start trying to say thirty one, thirty two

To start the class or calm the students down, its the ABC but again don't enforce them to learn it just try make actions for each one they enjoy when I say pig, push up my nose and start snorting.   Eventually some of my youngest students started to sing along.

There aren’t a lot of Preschool threads so I just wanted to post to help out other people who were in my position. 
It can be really hard to filter through the thousands of you tube videos and find ones that are simple and interesting so I hope these help someone :)

Have the basic question time.
How are you?,  What’s your name?,  How old are you?  How’s the weather?
A ball in a circle can work well, first you rolling to a students and asking eventually you can get the kids to roll to each other and ask the question.

Also I like to finish the class of with a story, not to long but the kids can focus on your voice and facial movement.  Rather than always on a TV.

Good luck for all those teaching remember to smile.  With preschool the kids will automatically love you, not like them middle schoolers ;)

Offline lex3000

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Re: What are you supposed to teach Kindergarten?
« Reply #21 on: December 13, 2013, 11:04:44 AM »
i had to teach K this year and was thrown in. i didn't enjoy it at first, but really had to start doing things the kids would like. there are days when they are going to be out of control and you can do nothing about it.

here are some activities i do. we usually learn related material at the beginning of class, then do some of the following:

clap game : if the target material is animals for example, then at the beginning i would ask what animals they know (i speak korean or the co-teachers translates). after we took answers, i would pull out flash cards and learn some new ones. once i felt we had reviewed enough, we would sit in a circle, hands on our knees. if i said an animal, they had to clap. if i said anything different (like pizza, or Alex, or Korea) they shouldn't clap. we had different 'punishments' for the kids who messed up (such as sing or dance for 5 seconds, they enjoyed getting 'punished')

duck duck goose: the teacher really enjoyed this for some reason, and there were no sharp objects near us. we studied numbers and then played that. instead of duck duck duck duck goose, i gave them a number, such as 5. they would walk around until the 5th person.

hide an object: did this for colors. we talked about colors for awhile. asking them what things are blue, what things are red, etc. for the activity, they would close their eyes, and i would hide colored paper around the classroom. 3 2 1 and they open their eyes and try to find the paper, then come sit down. once everyone was seated, they would have to say the color then one thing related (red - apple)

hope this helps. it's what i do. if someone doesn't like it, please dont backlash at me

Offline nethie

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Re: What are you supposed to teach Kindergarten?
« Reply #22 on: December 17, 2013, 11:32:41 AM »
They are so tiring but they are so cute. It does get a little annoying when they start fighting to hold my hand.

Anyways I have a nephew in pre-k so it helps that my sister shares with me what he enjoys. I havent given it a go but I've been told he loves ABCmouse.com and my sister has a subscription with them so I will give that material a try. There a 1-month free trial of it if anyone wants to check it out.


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