Ok, so here it is.I incorporated the Korean ppt (wonder how my co-teacher will feel about that), but will scoot through it as fast as I can. It should help with clarity (and I am counting on her for that clarity as much as the ppt itself).I have a couple slides in there talking about my lack of hair and how I love golbangi muchim, so you'd need to go through it and take out those little parts. It's only snippets on a couple slides.Other than that, I am wondering what my middle schoolers will think of Sleeping Elephants. I played it this week with my elementary kids and they went a good way.Enjoy.(If you don't know how to play Sleeping Elephants)Each group is four people. Each person is Elephant 1,2,3,4.1. Elephants, go to sleep! (heads down on the desk - no peaking)2. Elephant #1, wake up. (they read and remember their slide)3. Go to sleep.4. Elephant #2, wake up. (They read and remember their slide)5. Go to sleep.6. Elephant #3, wake up. (They read and remember their slide)7. Go to sleep.8. Elephant #4, wake up. (They read and remember their slide).9. Go to sleep; all elephants, wake up!10. Write your part on your white board and arrange the sentence in the correct order.11. We all have loads of fun and go out for drinks later.12. Kidding. Just seeing if you read this far.
Thanks to franpan for bringing the Simpsons PPT into this thread - it looks really helpful!And kingeudey, I think I might use Sleeping Elepants for directions as well - so each student gets one part of the directions, and they all have to put it together to figure out where they're going on a map I'll put on the board. (Ex: Elephant 1: Go left. Elepant 2: Go straight for 2 blocks. Elephant 3: Go right. Elephant...). Students will have to tell me A) Where they're going, and B) repeat their directions back to me (I'll allow note-taking).I think that might work - I'd like to do a game where the kids move around the classroom, but I'm not sure I have enough room for that, and I don't have a seperate English classroom, so that would involve rearranging desks every class.