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Author Topic: Lesson 3: Make Your Own Style  (Read 10135 times)

Offline sheila

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Lesson 3: Make Your Own Style
« on: February 27, 2014, 01:12:16 PM »
This is a thread for any lesson material for J.L. Haas (2014 edition) Middle School English 2 Lesson 3: Make Your Own Style.  Please share your contributions here. Be sure to explain exactly what you are posting and please do not post multi-level materials in this thread. Also, any review lessons or materials should be posted in the review section for this grade. If you can't find what you're looking for here, be sure to check the previous edition of the book.  Best of luck in your lesson planning!
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Offline Kingeudey

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Re: Lesson 3: Make Your Own Style
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2014, 11:19:14 PM »
Here's my lesson and some others I found here a long time ago.
My lesson is labeled for the parts of the book it addresses.
P44C, 45B and C, and 47C.

The rest ( I need to look again ) should compliment it for fun and something different.
Good luck.  And for the love of God please start posting some goodies.  I'm dying.

Offline iamrhart

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Re: Lesson 3: Make Your Own Style
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2014, 10:22:33 AM »
Haha kingeudey. working on it here. its very difficult for me at school, all programs were in Korean, so editing was near impossible. 
NOW the school has Windows 7 and unregistered PPT 2010. 

i had to install powerpoint viewers on all the computers i use, and can only make powerpoints at home.

ah well.
will have it up by monday for you guys. hang in there
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Offline iamrhart

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Re: Lesson 3: Make Your Own Style
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2014, 01:56:29 PM »
Lesson 3 Directions

Quick explanation:
Slides 2-4 (vocabulary)
Slide 5-7 Discussion about directions
Slides 8-12 Types of directions
Slides 13-18 Interactive Practice
Slide 19 Pair work/Homework assignment
(Part 2)
Slide 20 Present homework.
Slide 21 (not part of presentation, hidden, just a little note to the teacher about the remainder of the lesson, helpful if you read it)
Slide 22 and 26: Combining information from Preposition lessons (prior years. elementary and middle school 1)

if you have any questions, let me know. i tried to make this presentation as straightforward as possible.  but it WILL be beneficial if you review it BEFORE you present it. so you know what to expect.  :rolleyes:

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Offline Kingeudey

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Re: Lesson 3: Make Your Own Style
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2014, 12:05:30 PM »
I have to do a thing for page 53 C.
Would you say that is cause and effect?
Is it giving advice?  I am searching for "giving advice using and / or" and find bubkiss.

Are they adverb clauses (dependent) because they use the conjunction and/or, ex:

Eat your vegetables, and you'll grow up big and strong.

I asked my co-teacher and she said, "giving advice using and / or".
It just doesn't seem right.

Offline iamrhart

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Re: Lesson 3: Make Your Own Style
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2014, 01:30:36 PM »
it looks like "if then" statements. yes, cause effect sounds about right.

perhaps it is also work/reward?
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Offline Kingeudey

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Re: Lesson 3: Make Your Own Style
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2014, 02:53:30 PM »
I'm going to use this

to show that it's a combination of things.  It's an independent clause, adding an idea using and, OR introducing and alternative to prevent a future occurrence. 

It really blows that it's just not clear what they actually want and yet my task is so brutally specific.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2014, 03:05:44 PM by Kingeudey »

Offline iamrhart

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Re: Lesson 3: Make Your Own Style
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2014, 03:36:51 PM »
in the story part, with the clothing, it mentions a word "solution".
i told my students, that "solution" is the result. the answer. the point where 'no more problem' occurs.

could give some diagrams of a 'process' machine.

in the input section, put "want to look good'' or other phrases.  in the 'output' section, put 'wear a scarf' (etc.).
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Offline gleathers87

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Re: Lesson 3: Make Your Own Style
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2014, 03:42:45 PM »
New teacher here.  I think I'm done with the powerpoint, here is my lesson regarding directions. Attached is a word document you can use for practice portion of PPP.  Not sure what I'm going to add for production, that is still up in the air.

Offline iamrhart

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Re: Lesson 3: Make Your Own Style
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2014, 10:14:59 AM »
sorry guys.
getting a bit ahead of my students.

going to have to stretch out Lesson 3 for them. and then do a review for their exam.

sorry Kingeudey, youre going to be the 'furthest ahead' of us now. this week and the next two (?) will be focused on lesson 2, 3, and review.

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Offline Kingeudey

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Re: Lesson 3: Make Your Own Style
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2014, 08:10:57 PM »
Such is the way.  Thanks, though.
I am working on my part right now.
They're conditionals.  First conditionals (with daily considerations) and sometimes, zero conditionals (always true -scientifically proven).

If I can get off work early enough, then I can go to the movie.

If you don't water your plants, then they will die.

The rub is that we're eliminating the "if / then" and using "and / or".

So it's using a command and supporting it with the reason.

Go to bed early or you will be tired at work tomorrow. (or - punishment)

Eat a healthy breakfast and you will have energy through the day. (and - benefit)

I was able to get access to the Douclass website and download a Korean ppt on the part I need.  I'll attach that here and now so you can kind of see what they're talking about.

I will kind of use that to mold my goodies.

Offline Kingeudey

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Re: Lesson 3: Make Your Own Style
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2014, 10:29:57 PM »
Ok, so here it is.
I incorporated the Korean ppt (wonder how my co-teacher will feel about that), but will scoot through it as fast as I can.  It should help with clarity (and I am counting on her for that clarity as much as the ppt itself).

I have a couple slides in there talking about my lack of hair and how I love golbangi muchim, so you'd need to go through it and take out those little parts.  It's only snippets on a couple slides.

Other than that, I am wondering what my middle schoolers will think of Sleeping Elephants.  I played it this week with my elementary kids and they went a good way.


(If you don't know how to play Sleeping Elephants)
Each group is four people.  Each person is Elephant 1,2,3,4.
1. Elephants, go to sleep! (heads down on the desk - no peaking)
2. Elephant #1, wake up. (they read and remember their slide)
3. Go to sleep.
4. Elephant #2, wake up. (They read and remember their slide)
5. Go to sleep.
6. Elephant #3, wake up. (They read and remember their slide)
7. Go to sleep.
8. Elephant #4, wake up. (They read and remember their slide).
9. Go to sleep; all elephants, wake up!
10. Write your part on your white board and arrange the sentence in the correct order.
11. We all have loads of fun and go out for drinks later.
12. Kidding.  Just seeing if you read this far.

Offline Kingeudey

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Re: Lesson 3: Make Your Own Style
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2014, 01:38:30 PM »
Ok, so here it is.
I incorporated the Korean ppt (wonder how my co-teacher will feel about that), but will scoot through it as fast as I can.  It should help with clarity (and I am counting on her for that clarity as much as the ppt itself).

I have a couple slides in there talking about my lack of hair and how I love golbangi muchim, so you'd need to go through it and take out those little parts.  It's only snippets on a couple slides.

Other than that, I am wondering what my middle schoolers will think of Sleeping Elephants.  I played it this week with my elementary kids and they went a good way.


(If you don't know how to play Sleeping Elephants)
Each group is four people.  Each person is Elephant 1,2,3,4.
1. Elephants, go to sleep! (heads down on the desk - no peaking)
2. Elephant #1, wake up. (they read and remember their slide)
3. Go to sleep.
4. Elephant #2, wake up. (They read and remember their slide)
5. Go to sleep.
6. Elephant #3, wake up. (They read and remember their slide)
7. Go to sleep.
8. Elephant #4, wake up. (They read and remember their slide).
9. Go to sleep; all elephants, wake up!
10. Write your part on your white board and arrange the sentence in the correct order.
11. We all have loads of fun and go out for drinks later.
12. Kidding.  Just seeing if you read this far.

Wow, she loved it all and absolutely loved the game.
After the first round or two of Sleeping Elephants my students were pretty rabid about it, too.
Gotta like a win/win.  Friday and good classes.

Offline franpan08

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Re: Lesson 3: Make Your Own Style
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2014, 03:54:33 PM »
Hey, guys!

I am nowhere near finished with this lesson, but this thread NEEDS some contributions. So this is what I got! The material covers the directions element of Chapter 3. I can not take credit for the AWESOME Simpson's material. I took it from some other PP on this website. My kids will love this simply because they love the Simpsons and the interactive PP will jsut be the icing on the cake. I just adapted the PP for my class room (AKA: Question of the Day, Class Schedule, Game.) I am not sure how exactly I will teach it. I might just demonstrate and make the class repeat after me, or depending on the level, cold call students.

The Game is like Pin the Tail on the Donkey. I am not totally sure how this whole thing is going to work because my co-teacher tends to think my students are not capable of getting out of their seats (They are!) What I want to do is have a couple "bulls eye" paper, which I will walk around and hang up around the room. I will then blind fold a student, and have the rest of the class direct them to the bullseye. There will be 3 teams and I will time them. I teams with the fastest time will win. If they speak Korean, a minute will be added to their time. If this game can not work in my classroom, I am not totally sure what kind of game to implement post-lesson (my kids are extremely low-level and need the game element of a lesson.)

I would LOVE LOVE input form anyone and everyone regarding this lesson and ways you guys might have altered or changed it.

Offline dchang458

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Re: Lesson 3: Make Your Own Style
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2014, 02:46:59 PM »
Thanks for the ideas everyone! I know we're hurtin for materials so I'm throwing in mine. I used some previous materials posted here as inspiration.

Warmup for simple vocab - unscramble the words
Activity - Students work in pairs. Give one student the A sheet and the other the B sheet. They have to ask their partner for the directions to the locations missing on their respective sheet. They shouldn't be allowed to look at one another's sheet. (the focus here being speaking and listening)

Good luck everyone!
EDIT: I just notice the lakeville B sheet doesn't have a start point. Yall should probably go ahead and paste a "start" circle somewhere on the map.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 02:51:06 PM by dchang458 »

Offline shostager

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Re: Lesson 3: Make Your Own Style
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2014, 03:04:07 PM »
Thanks to franpan for bringing the Simpsons PPT into this thread - it looks really helpful!

And kingeudey, I think I might use Sleeping Elepants for directions as well - so each student gets one part of the directions, and they all have to put it together to figure out where they're going on a map I'll put on the board. (Ex: Elephant 1: Go left. Elepant 2: Go straight for 2 blocks. Elephant 3: Go right. Elephant...). Students will have to tell me A) Where they're going, and B) repeat their directions back to me (I'll allow note-taking).

I think that might work - I'd like to do a game where the kids move around the classroom, but I'm not sure I have enough room for that, and I don't have a seperate English classroom, so that would involve rearranging desks every class.

Offline Kingeudey

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Re: Lesson 3: Make Your Own Style
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2014, 12:50:06 PM »
Thanks to franpan for bringing the Simpsons PPT into this thread - it looks really helpful!

And kingeudey, I think I might use Sleeping Elepants for directions as well - so each student gets one part of the directions, and they all have to put it together to figure out where they're going on a map I'll put on the board. (Ex: Elephant 1: Go left. Elepant 2: Go straight for 2 blocks. Elephant 3: Go right. Elephant...). Students will have to tell me A) Where they're going, and B) repeat their directions back to me (I'll allow note-taking).

I think that might work - I'd like to do a game where the kids move around the classroom, but I'm not sure I have enough room for that, and I don't have a seperate English classroom, so that would involve rearranging desks every class.

Sounds like it might work perfectly.  Give it a run!

Offline franpan08

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Re: Lesson 3: Make Your Own Style
« Reply #17 on: April 09, 2014, 10:51:13 AM »
The Sleeping Elephants things was a disaster for me. (My kids are just really really low-level. As in, barely able to read English.) Ultimately, it worked really well with the higher level kids, who liked it. But if they were on the same team as the special edu kids or low-level learners, it was disastrous. I think this would be a great game for other classes, honestly.
So I created a Bomb Game. I think it is still pretty difficult, but as long as one person on the teams knows what they are doing, it's fine. It's Frozen themed, big thanks to Waygooker who made it! One thing to note: I always have my kids face the building when they are giving directions. I often still had to walk through each question with pointing and demonstrating so that they could get the answer right. But it worked much better than Sleeping Elephants in a mixed level class of 35.

This chapter could be SOOOOO great if the class sizes were not so big. Ughhh, can't wait to finish this chapter.

Offline Mousasaurus

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Re: Lesson 3: Make Your Own Style
« Reply #18 on: April 09, 2014, 04:11:36 PM »
Since we only have two weeks for this lesson, I had to do all of the presentation in one, so you can use half of the ppt for different weeks. 

The first half deals with ordinal numbers, and we pretend we are in a shopping mall looking for certain items.  It's mostly vocabulary, and asking where to find certain items. 

The second part I modified from someone on this thread (sorry, I forgot who!) and deals with directions.

We do the first half of the ppt and then pg. 44 of the book, then the second half of the ppt and pg. 45.

Offline behrensk

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Re: Lesson 3: Make Your Own Style
« Reply #19 on: April 11, 2014, 12:28:57 PM »
I haven't taught anything from this lesson yet as it mostly deals with directions. I did a lesson with them last year about directions when they were in first grade so I'm not really interested in doing the same thing twice. Next week's lesson is from Lesson 5 from the old book. I'm just creating time so that some classes can catch up. Then it's review and midterms.

 I noticed the grammar section touched on "have to" and "don't have to". I decided to make this lesson on "have to" and "must". I borrowed some material from a poster on waygook (can't remember who) who did a lesson on "should" and "have to."

I'm not going to use this lesson until after midterms. So let me know if there's something you disagree with so I can adjust it. Happy Teaching!


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